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Kasiyah Dezire Dalito
9:00 pm

"Get which ever shake you want" I told her for the 5th time

"I'm tryna decide if I want birthday cake or strawberry" she looked at the menu

"Uh Yea I'm ready Lemme get A strawberry shake, 2 birthday cake shakes and a junior bacon cheese with fries" I said she told me my total and I pulled up to the next window waiting for the lady to come. The fuck she walk away from the window fa.

"I'm-ouu you so fine" she licked her lips

"preciate it but that's disrespectful youn see my lady right here" I looked over at a sleeping Kasiyah she started to stir in her sleep so I rested my hand in her hair just tryna calm her down it always use to work for me.

"Oh I'm sorry sir I did not see her" she said sincerely.

"What's the total" I ignored her statement


"Keep the change" I handed her a 20 pulling off once she handed me my food.

I looked over at her seeing she stopped moving in her sleep and she just slept.

She cute.

"Kasiyah" I tapped her, she immediately popped open her eyes and looked up at me relaxing.

"Hmm" she sat up keeping eye contact.

The fuck you looking into my eyes for shorty.

"Hmm" I pointed to the food.

"The light red slow down" she said eating a fry.

"Who said this was for you" I mugged her

"Me, you can get the burger" she talked low and nonchalantly

"Nah it's for you but hand me that Birthday cake shake." I said as I sped down the street.

"Hmm" she put the spoon to my mouth

"I can do it" I lifted my hand but she smacked it

"Let me do it"

"Why you talking so low" I mumbled as I stoped at another light not to far from their house

She shrugged "open your mouth"

I lowkey mugged and slightly opened my mouth... ion like how she said that.

She chuckled at something on her phone as I pulled into her house.

"Gimme yo phone."

"No" she chuckled

"Bro lemme see yo phone mine dead" I mugged

"Whatchu need mine for"

"To call somebody damn"

"Mm" she gave it to me on the phone app.

I typed my number in calling it and nodding once the call came through.

"Could've asked for my damn number"

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