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Achilles Sinister Walts
11:35 pm

"Fuck outta here" I laughed

"I'm dead serious ha shit was leaning and you could see the screen door" she chuckled shaking her head

It got quiet for a minute...a comfortable one.

"You graduated" she asked taking me outta my thoughts

"Yea. Why?"

"Mm, just asking" she shrugged

"Ok, New topic. School" I sat up "you in some type of school now" I gave my full attention.

"Uhh Yea college." She nodded

"What year"

"2nd year" she nodded smiling.


"How old you is"


"Aw Yea you still a baby" I chuckled

"Mmcht you what 2 years older" she rolled her eyes.

"Yup." I nodded proudly, as she chuckled.

"That's nothing sir."

"It is but what you studying or what you majoring in or whatever that stuff is"'I scratched my head

She laughed "Uhh I'm studying to be a Psychotherapist" she shrugged

"What's that"

"Well a Psychotherapist is a therapist that is trained to treat people with their emotional problems."

"How long will it take you to become one"

"Well once I get my degrees which is 2-3 degrees and then I'll take a year or 2 off before starting my life," she shrugged

"What you mean start your life"

"Like taking someone serious relationship wise cause I actually want to have kids one day" she shrugged

"Mm" I nodded "you got your life planed out" I chuckled

"Nah I don't want it to look like that cause who really got there life together I just want to be able- Mmcht I can't even really put it" she chuckled

She must got some on her chest.

"I feel you." I nodded.

"Get some sleep ugly" she chuckled as I yawned.

"But I wanted to talk to you" I mumbled

"What you say" she asked looking back at me

"Nun I was rapping a song. But gone head get some sleep see you later"

"Byee" she waved

"No. Don't ever say bye it's always see you later"

"See you later" she waved smiling making me chuckle and hang up.

"It's all love" I mumbled getting up looking in my closet for a 20. I found it unwrapping it and grabbing 2 pills and popping them dry. They help me sleep for at least 6 hours sometimes less. I went downstairs and grabbed a water.

"What time is it" I mumbled going into the living room looking at the digital clock.

It read , 11:54.

My son sleep by now so I can't call him. So I'll just go to sleep.

I walked back upstairs rubbing my eyes before falling into bed and letting sleep take over.


Kasiyah Dezire Dalito/Omniscient

She stired in her sleep as the vivid images flashed quickly some where hard to make out and others where as clear as glass.

One blurry image looked like a women shouting and another lady taking something, She couldn't really see what she was taking because I was the one looking up.

Another image flashed which was Just bloody. Blood on the bed, on the mirror, in my hair, on my skin, on my pants and my shirt... that one was very clear and I knew exactly what happened there.

There was another one but I popped outta my sleep drenched in sweat. That always happened I never got to see the last image, there where 13 to be exact before I popped my eyes opened drenched in my own sweat.

I sighed getting up taking my sheets off my bed and pillow cases also. Once I did that I striped from my clothes and put a towel on. I walked outta my room and into the laundry area putting my sheets in one and starting it.

I walked back to room starting a shower. I stayed in the shower thinking for about 40 minutes before washing up and then washing my body and rinsing off. After I was done I got out and brushed my teeth. Lotioning my body, and etc.

Once I was done With all my hygiene I went to get my sheets outta the dryer and put them in the washer before going to get more sheets to put on my bed. Once I was done with that I went in Nasir room and laid down next to him.

"You ok" he sat up


"You sure"

"Positive" i nodded

"What yo dreams be bout" he turned on his game

"Uhh.." I debated "just about these vivid images.. where momma"

"What's one image and she said she'd come home in a week"

"Mm.. one of the images is like blood all over me and on the bed I was no more than 12-13" I shrugged

He nodded slowly before looking back at me.

"Love you" he said

"Love you too" I smiled a li bit before laying down.

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my phone looking for someone to text.

Sorry for mistakes didn't feel like going over this one.

Who she text??

Continued next chapter...

Listen... some one is going to go missing from the book for a while and I want y'all to keep that in mind! Y'all gone know real soon though but y'all smart do y'all might know who...

But y'all coo? ( I expect an answer even if it's a lie😐)


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