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Kasiyah Dezire Dalito

"Uhh what's the meeting code for the breakout room" My classmate Azire unmuted


"KathyMath1" i unmuted

"Thank You Kasiyah" he smirked

I chuckled "no problem Azire"

"Say Siyah what's ya Instagram"

"Uhh.. hold on" I mumbled "SyBlicky_"

"Girl that is ghetto" somebody unmuted and said

"Oh?" I said

"Bet ima add you" he ignored what shorty said

"Don't you got a boyfriend" the same girl said

"Yea, why?" I asked

"You just giving people yo insta" she said

"You saying it like I'm finna - ykw I'm not finna argue with a bitch who's leave out is sticking up" I muted turning around to Achilles

"What" he asked

I shrugged

"You wanna go to the arcade" I asked

"Yea once you get outta school" he mumbled into his phone

"Mmm" I nodded turning back around

"Kasiyah I didn't see that you turned in your essay" the teacher spoke

"Your lying go check again" I yawned

"What happened to you. You where so quiet and reserved in the beginning now your acting like this" she sounded concerned

"Ma'am" I said "please hush and go check again"

She shook her head and sighed.

"Baeee" a perky voice whined making me turn my head so quickly to Achilles

He cleared his voice walking over to me trying to kiss me.

"Move" I mumbled

"Why" he asked

"Who was on the phone" I asked

"Mmcht it was one of those videos that be on TikTok where they act like they in a call to see how the partner would act" he said laying on the bed

"Mm" I hummed

"Ok class you can n-" I cut the teacher off leaving the meeting and closing my computer

"I'm finna get in the shower" he stood up

"Ok" I said yawning getting up the cover

"I thought we was going to the arcade" he said grabbing his towel

"We are ,I'm tired tho" I laid down

"Ite" he walked in the bathroom and I heard the shower come on.

Not to long after his phone started ringing

"Baee" I yelled "yo phone ringing"

No response.

I picked the phone up seeing it said 'Grandma'. So I assumed it had something to do with Saint.

"Hello" I answered

"Uhh AK?" A perky female voice answered

"Uhh no this is his sister who's this" I asked

"Oh whew I thought this was the girlfriend" she chuckled

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