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Dezire La'Dove Fancy-Dalito
Chicago ,IL

(this is KASIYAH real mother's POV if y'all confused)

"Baby" Kartier dragged walking in our room

"Yes my love" I looked up from my computer

"What you doing" he asked going to the dresser taking his gun and setting it on the dresser

"I'm working, I have this new project. It's something different though" I said going back to my computer

"Oh really what is it" he asked kissing me

"It's designing a building.. I mainly focus on Houses as you know but this is such a huge opportunity" I gushed over it smiling.

"Yea?" He smiled at me "I'm proud of you. Like really proud of you" he pecked my lips a few more times

"Yea. But about that" I chuckled

"What" he asked laying across the bed rubbing my feet

"It's in Englewood" I scratched my hair

"Nah, you not doing it." He shook his head grabbing the remote

"Bae they paying 1 million + for this building I want to do this" I whined

"Nah, I'll give you the 1 mill you don't need to be over there. It's dangerous asf and you know them niggas over there gone try to start some" he shook his head

"But bae" I whined

"Stop" he stood up once his phone dinged.

"Mmcht I don't want yo money I want my own" I shook my head

"First off it our money. Once we got married everything that is mines is yours. And secondly! If- actually WHEN I give you this money it will be yours" he said

"Kartier no. I'm doing the job end of discussion" I shrugged emailing the people back telling them I except the job offer

"NO. I said No, your not doing the job if you press send watch what tf gone happen" he took my computer I guess deleting it.

"Kartier what the fuck" I pushed him

"Stfu" he closes the computer walking away.

"I'm doing nat fucking job fuck he thought" I mumbled looking in my trash for the email.

My phone dinging and I say it was a payment of 1.7 million dollars put into my bank account.

I shook my head.

"I'll just give it back" I mumbled emailing the people I wanted the job. They soon responded with a how soon can you get started. I guess they wanted to rush the project.

I responded with today if you'd like. They said yes and I smiled so hard.

I started getting dressed.

Once I was all done I got my things and walked down the stairs seeing Kartier cooking.

"Whatchu making" I asked

"Burritos" he said hugging me "I'm sorry, I just don't want none to happen to you, them niggas over there reckless and don't give a fuck about what they do as long as it goes there way" he made me look up at him

"I know baby" I said standing on my tippy toes making him bend down and kiss me.

"Ok I'll be back" I said

"Where you goimg" he asked

"Kasiyah and me are having a girls day I told you that" I rolled my eyes hoping he'd believe me

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