Chapter 6

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Teruhashi opened her mouth to say something, but her voice came out shrill and she clearly needed to gain composure for a while longer. Kusuo couldn't' tell exactly what she wanted to say, but he inferred that it would be an apology, which he didn't want nor need to hear. Before Kokomi was going to say she was sorry, Saiki spoke out first.

"I know your going to apologize, but really, you don't need to. I completely understand why you wanted to get out of there."

"You know me well." She replied, her voice still a little rough. "Do you want to go somewhere else?"

"Yeah, I don't want to stay at my place.. and I should wait for my parents to sober up before I go back later." He explained, disappointed in his parents for getting so intoxicated. He knew that they would still be drunk before the day ended, but he didn't want to add to the pile of awful things that upset his girlfriend, so he kept quiet about his own situation.

"Alright.. do you wanna come to my house?" She asked.


They made their way back up the street, Teruhashi leading them to her abode. Then, she had the thought; how would her brother react? She knew he'd go ballistic seeing her with Saiki, but how? Would he punch him, yell at him, be angry at her? She couldn't determine which it would be, so she turned to Kusuo for answers.

"Hey Kusuo.. how do you think my brother will react to you being there? I'm scared, he's gunna be mad.."

"I don't know, but based off what I already understand about him, he'll probably hit me."

"Wha- why do you think so?

"Once he slammed me against the wall for even knowing you, I don't think he'll like this."

Saiki didn't seem the least bit bothered by it in his reply. In fact, he sounded less anxious than he did all day. The reason he was so untroubled? Well, Makoto had already swung at him before. Since Kusuo had lost his physic abilities, along with much of his strength, Kokomi's brother had taken advantage of it, and took out all of his jealousy on him. On the other hand, Saiki had also made a point about why Makoto might not end up hitting him at all; Teruhashi would be at his side the whole time. Her brother would do anything but make Kokomi distressed, and Makoto knew that hitting her boyfriend would anger her. Like the Teruhashi Fan Club said before; as long as Saiki made her happy, then they shouldn't take him from her. He concluded that even if Makoto hit him, which was unlikely in the first place, it wouldn't be a big deal. Of course, he didn't tell Kokomi about his past incidents, it would only hurt her.

After minutes of Saiki subtlety trying to change the subject and distract Teruhashi from worrying, they arrived at her house, and stepped onto the front porch. A nervous tension filled the air, and for the first time, Kusuo leaned and kissed Kokomi. She wasn't expecting it, so her face turned bright red and she put her hand over her mouth to contain her excitement. Kusuo rest his hand on her cheek, and deadpan, he said;

"I'll be fine, let's go deal with this creep."

Completely stunned, and still blushing like mad, she nodded and put her hand down to her side. Kusuo opened the door and led her inside. Inconveniently for them, Makoto lay on the couch, appearing to just wake up from a nap. His hair was ruffled, and his voice was deep and hoarse. When he heard them coming, he sat up and his eyes fell on Teruhashi. Creepily, he smiled, and said nothing more. But this smile quickly faded when he saw the pink-haired boy next to her. He pushed himself upward with his hands, and stomped over to them. Before his sister could even greet him, he yelled and demanded answers.

"What the HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING, SAIKI! That's MY KOKOMI your screwing with!" He roared, but Saiki didn't even flinch. In fact, it looked more like he'd fall asleep due to how bored he was with Makoto's little routine. "Kokomi, are you dating this.. this boy?" He asked calmly, though he made fists with his hands.

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