Chapter 7

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Kusuo blinked heavily, as sounds and sights began to fill his mind. He rubbed his eyes, and started to notice touch as well. Surprised to feel something pressing against his arm, he instinctively jerked it back. Then the world of senses hit him; he was on a park bench, surrounded by sounds coming from the trees and sky above him, with his girlfriend asleep at his side. He propped her head on his shoulder so she could continue to sleep comfortably. He felt his messy hair and wondered; how long had he been out for? He reached for his cell that he hoped would be in his pocket, but there was nothing there. Slightly panicked, his eyes darted about trying to find a clock, but there wasn't one in his radius. He bent his head back, staring at the sky, and softly sighed. No matter how quietly he breathed, Kokomi could somehow feel it, like a sixth sense if you will. She stretched her arms up and yawned audibly, her body turned toward Saiki. He could see it in her glare that she was still groggy. Teruhashi sighed comically loud, and had a death glare on him as she said; 

"Y'know? You breathe really loud."

Knowing that she was repeating a line that she'd made up earlier, Kusuo chuckled a bit and replied;

"I know, but you needed to get up. I don't know what time it is, could you check your phone again?"

"Oh yeah, it's uhh... 2:29." She answered.

Saiki nodded, he wasn't even surprised that it had been this late in the afternoon. A surge of adrenaline shot through his veins, as he had hatched an idea. He stood up quickly, and felt dizzy for a few seconds, but that weakness didn't stop him from wanting to perform his plan. He threw his hand behind him for Teruhashi to grab, and she did. She was puzzled about why he had such an adventurous attitude all of the sudden, but she was looking forward to finding out what he was intending to do. Kusuo decided to explain himself on the way, but still chose to keep exactly what it was a secret.

"I need to go back to my house to get something." He was going to add more to his statement, but Teruhashi cut him off.

"W-what? The adults are probably still there, are you sure you wanna go in there?" 

"I don't need to go inside." 

This comment only further confused Kokomi, what would he need from outside? But still, for some reason, she wanted to continue her walk with him. They saw the top of the house as they ascended up the road, and Kokomi seemed to slow down a bit in apprehension. When they made it into the driveway, Saiki smirked subtly. He already knew his plan would work without any set backs. He looked Teruhashi in the eyes, a mysterious atmosphere surrounding him. 

"Wait here, I already know this'll work." He said, with no signs of worry on his face.

"Alright.. don't get yourself killed." Was her way of saying she was concerned for him.

"Ok." Replied Kusuo, chuckling as he said it.

He strode upwards, getting closer to the house one step at a time. There was a row of cars along the curb in his front yard, but he had his attention devoted to one in particular, which was parked outside his garage. He didn't know who's it was, but he did know that it was the one he desired. It's paint color was a sparkly grey, and it's windows had a classy black tint to them that appealed to Saiki's elegant taste. It was a convertible, but it's roof was down, so he couldn't see the chairs or steering wheel inside. No matter; it was a very high-class car, and Kusuo adored it. He took his gaze off of the vehicle and onto his girlfriend, and waved his hand, calling her over excitedly. Wanting clarity, she hurried to him, and noticed the car that Saiki had his focus on.

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