TW: Death
Saiki wheezed as he made his way down the stairs, and he grasped his shirt that he would be wearing for the last time. Even though it had been months since then, he still wasn't used to having his powers gone. His brother designed a new, highly impactful, power limiter that he was sure would work. And it did. From the moment he inserted it to now, he hadn't seen a glimpse of supernatural power emitting from himself. Actually, it was clear he had gotten even weaker over time.
He was panting, and in a crawling position by the bottom of the stairs as he tried to catch his breath.
Wheeze, wheeze, wheeze.
He was embarrassed to see his mom on her way over with an inhaler. He took it from her hand and thanked her.
"Now, in and out, just like we practiced." She said, looking over him with a strong sense of pity.
"Ok." Said Kusuo, out of breath as he put the device in his mouth.
Puff, puff.
He groaned softly as he put the cap on the inhaler. He knew in that moment, that he was weaker than ever before. He was disappointed in himself, knowing that he would go to the Final Ceremony in his condition that he deemed pathetic.
What is the Final Ceremony, you ask? Well, it was the last event that he would attend. It was the last event that anyone would attend. Meteorologists had confirmed today that the Volcano that Saiki had saved them from so many times would explode, best case scenario being that they had about a day to live. It would actually be less than that, since the U.S. government announced that they would launch a nuclear bomb so gargantuan that the entire world population would vanish. The bomb was designed to give off every bit of toxicity that it could produce, that would kill everyone within minutes of it's landing. They were doing this because it would be quick and painless, in contrast to the volcanic ash that would release, which would take days to slowly suffocate everyone on the planet. The Final Ceremony would take place at P.K. Academy, and every student that attended that school was welcomed. It would run from 6:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M., which would give students time to say goodbye and spend their last few hours with whoever they wished to afterwards, although the event was not mandatory to attend and students could leave at any point. The lethal bomb was set to land at 12:00 A.M. the next day.
Since the bomb was exploding at 12;00 A.M. and it was currently 5:00 A.M., everyone had about 19 hours left to live.
Saiki ate his favorite thing in the world, coffee jelly, for the last time at breakfast. His vision went blurry with tears as he took the last bite, but he blinked them back right away until all he could feel was a dull burn in the back of his throat. No time to waste, he rushed to his room to get dressed up for his final day. This may have been a bad idea, because his limp legs went out from under him and he fell, wincing as he pushed to stand up again. He crashed onto his bed, trembling. He hated the burn in his throat, ever since he got rid of his inhuman abilities he felt that ache on occasion. After staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, the pain left his system and he was ready to get up and dressed. He chose a black suit and matching pants, with his fancy fake-leather shoes. He considered putting on a tie, but instead he put a small, pink flower on the right side of his tuxedo and left the shirt open, with a plain, white polo underneath. He looked nice of course, but his face was blushed and his eyes looked sad, still. He forced himself to smile in front of the mirror, hoping that it would fix his dismal appearance. With no luck, he sighed and felt his throat aching again. He hated it. He thought to himself; "I haven't cracked yet, I'm not going to cry. Not today, of all days.."
He urged himself to hold back, to swallow the lump in his throat. And he won that mini-battle with his inner self, looking his deadpan self once again. Feeling slightly motivated, he turned to go down the stairs and tackle his last day.
AN: WOOOO! It feels so good to be writing again, I'll publish chapter 2 ASAP. Depressing as the concept is, I'm actually having a really good time writing this story. One more thing though, I wanted to apologize for ending my previous story prematurely. School has been expecting a lot from us lately (high school level in seventh grade, yayyyyy), but I'm learning to balance my studies with my free time better now :) Another reason why I didn't finish that story was because I didn't really know how to end it or move the story further. I do, however, really like the concept, so if anyone wanted to re write it or continue writing it on top of my part, then I'd be honored to have someone use my idea! I would appreciate credit for the concept, if anyone wants to keep that story going. Thank you so much for reading, I hope to see you next chapter!

As The World Caves In (Saiki X Teruhashi)
RomanceBased on the song by Matt Maltese, Saiki, Teruhashi, and every human left on Earth have one night left to live, and Teruhashi has waited until, quite literally, the last minute to confess to Saiki. However, will their day at the Final Ceremony go a...