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Narrator POV.

The heroes busted intoo the LOV base on Overhaul's signal. Quickly the Lo banned together to defeat the heroes. 

"Huh I should have known you were lying. But, I hope you know that now you and Erity will be dying due to your selfish actions." Shigarakii yelledd as he fought of All might with the help of multiple nomus. Overhaul quickly looked for a way to leave safley with Erity in his arms, he lost her once and doesn't want to lose her again. "Overhaul over here" he heard as he looked up to see a familiar face.....chrono. Quickly he ran to chrono and handed him Erity but stayed back so he could take down Shigaraki with his bare hands (you have bear fists?? i hope someone understands this reference). 

Overhaul POV.

"Shigaraki Tomura! It's time to settle this and NOW!" I yelled as I walked towards him ready to kill him. 

"Oh bring it on pretty boy!" He yelled in response

Erity POV.

I felt myself being handed over to someone else besides my dad and was relieved to see Chrono, he was always kind to me. Gently he sat me down and told me to stay put and hidden till they were done fighting so that no one would get to me, after that he ran away to help dad fight off the LOV. I wanted too move i wanted to help them and prove I wasn't weak but who the hell was I kidding! I could barley stand without grabbing onto to the objects for support. carefully I stood to my feet,slowly, and grabbed onto anything I could for support.

rising to my feet i looked to see I was over to the side far enough out of view of the LOV and of the damage being done but I was still close enough to see what was happening.I walked forward slowly, my feet crunching in the rocks and gravel of the broken cement so i could try and 'help' the heroes and my dad, But, what I saw when I was breathtaking........not in the good way.

you really thought I would make you wait till the next chapter............

nah.....I'm not that mean...

Narrator POV.

There were only a few heroes that came to fight the LOV and many of them are now wounded on the ground. The only two with enough energy to keep fighting was Eraserhead and Overhaul.

Aizawa POV.

Everything hurts but I have to keep fighting for Erity and get her home safe. I looked next to me to see a face I almost never in my wildest dreams thought I would be fighting side by side with. "Wow look at that Kai Chisaki is fighting with the HEROES! Who would've thought!" Shigaraki taunted Overhaul. I gave him a side glance to along with their teasing while I tried and attacked from behind. I knew he didn't trust me but I still tried. 

Overhaul POV.

That old man is nuts! I don't know why he thinks sneaking behind them is gonna work but I'll trust him if it means Erity is safe in the end. 

"Ya know what Shigaraki I wouldn't be fighting with them if you hadn't hurt my own flesh and blood,everything went dead quiet, I admit I messed up BIG TIME! I hurt Eri and Erity beyond belief and I don't know why but guess what! While I've been in prison I've been going to rehab and trying to get myself together s maybe one day I can see my daughter and spend time with her like a normal person." I looked Tomura dead in the eyes. He looked almost upset for a slit second before being overcome with anger.

"Well If you think your better than us now just because you wanna save your daughter and whatever then prove and take this BULLET!" he yelled and whipped out a gun.


I braced for impact but it never came.

Erity POV.

I heard dad talking about how hes been trying to get better, I didn't believe it at first but I started to look at the facts and in fact he had been getting better, that why when I visited him last on my birthday he didn't have any hand cuffs on like the other times because they didn't think he was gonna hurt me. 

 Stepping closer slowly I saw tomura with a gun. "DAD" I yelled but he didn't hear me. I began to run with all my will to live and warn dad but I knew I wouldn't have enough time. "Then take this BULLET!" yelled Tomura and on instinct to protect I jumped in front of Overhaul. 

I felt the bullet hit my chest as I crashed to the ground.

"Erity! WHY WHY WHY!!!" dad yelled as he quickly crawled over to my body. I could feel the energy draining from my body.

"I had to, I love you. Tell Eri I love you for me too." and with that I let out a weak smile as my energy had completely drained from me.

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