Meeting with Overhaul

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3rd POV.

The next day Aizawa called a meeting with the heroes and agreed to talk with Overhaul for help. Miro and Midoriya also came along.

Deku POV.

The next day me and Mirio went with Mr. Aizawa to the meeting, after he said that he would agree to have the help of Overhaul.

"Okay were, the detective that ecsorted us to overhauls special cell said, Eraserhead are you and your students ready to enter?"

Mr.Aizawa looked at me and mirio before saying yes  and the door to the room opening.

Overhaul POV.

The door to my cell opened and II thought it was the guards comming to give me mylunch but no in walk in 'heroes' eraserhead and those two dimwits who took my daughter and Eri away from me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked my voice full of scorn and tease.

"If I had a choice I would have never asked for your help but we need it." Eraserhead mumbled

My eyes widened. What could have possibly gone so wrong that they needed my help? Thats when the kid with the green hair spoke.

"Erity has been kidnapped my the LOV and we cant find her. We have reason to believe that they are trying to continue your work of creating a quirk erasing using Erity's blood."

flashbacks of the torture I put Erity and Eri through floodedd my mind.  My flesh and blood being used, I need her safe, I want her safe.

"I will help but only under one circumstance.......I want my quirk back, that damn shigaraki took my quirk ( he didnt take his arms just damaged them so bad that he can't use his quirk) and I want it back. If you can fulfil this deal I will help you."

Eraser imediently looked innfuriated. I loved that. 

"Look we need help to get MY daughter safe. since you decided to be a terribe man that you have no respect to even be able to hear Erity call you dad. The pain you put those girl through is disgusting and the fact you help us save Erity unless we halp you in return is disgusting, that really proves how shit of a person you are."

with that he left the room with the two kids, door slamming shut behid them.

Aizawa POV.

I couldn't hold back. I this man with my gut and we should have never asked for his help.

"Mr.Aizawa please you know we need his help please just give him a chance." Mirio said while him and Midoryia chased me down the hallway. I stopped they were right, if we are going to get Erity back then we need to go with his deal. I hate this. I hate this. I. Hate.This. I slowly turned around letting out a deep beath.

"fine, i said, lets try this again."

We walked back down to the room and entered once more.

"Ok Overhaul we'll accept your deal but, we need your help asap. How do we resuce Erity."

"I'm glad youve come to your senses now inorder to get MY daugter back your gonna need to get Erity out of the base but since I don't see you heroes getting that done yourselves, you should probably get ME to infultrate the base and get MY daughter back."he said.

"For once I think I agree with you its logical to use you concerning pervious conncetions wit the LOV." Mirio blurted out. I gave him a said glance telling him to shut his mouth and told overhaul we'll go over the plan with the detective and with that we left the room with a plan in mind to save Erity.

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