Chapter 1

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It was after school, and the compound was generally quiet except for a few occasional students who preferred to remain in the school rather than return home. Kayline, however, would have given anything to be out of the school, out of the classroom, out from the piercing look of Finn, her Physics teacher. He was good looking, but a teacher would remain forever a teacher to her. Even as she sighed and cast a longing gaze out of the window, Finn paused in his marking and looked up at her.

"Problem?" Finn asked, flicking a look at Kayline's paper, noted that she'd barely done two questions for the past half hour. She didn't reply, but instead stared helplessly at her paper. Stifling a chuckle at her blank expression, Finn reached over, and started explaining patiently. Within minutes, Kayline's etes had glazed over and she was shaking her head exasperatedly. 

"I'm never going to complete this paper at this rate", Kayline groaned and flung her paper across the table.  "Only mad scientists like Einstein can do it".

"I can", Finn pointed out mildly, and retrieved her paper.

"Fine, and you as well..." she muttered. "Funny, you don't bear any resemblance to Einstein, huh?" Kayline said, and gazed at Finn thoughtfully, who flashed her a grin. He was, she thought, a rather attractive young man, with his coal black hair and deep blue eyes. Hoards of girls had joined the science faculty when they learned that Finn would be a teacher there. But to Kayline, a good-looking teacher was no reason to face the torture of Physics. The only reason why she had taken up the subject was simply because her best friend, Leeane, had loved the subject and had insisted that she take it so that they could continue to be in the same classes. She wasn't the one who had to come for remedial classes though, Kayline thought with a trace of bitterness. Her friend excelled in all her classes, while Kayline was just the opposite. Sighing, she stretched out a hand and snatched back the paper than Finn was offering to her.

"Tell you what, Kayline", Finn said, "I'll spring you off early today if you give me your promise that you will complete this paper ar home, by tomorrow, and without any outside assistance, especially not from Leeane", he added, when Kayline's eyes gleamed.

"I won't", Kayline promised, but already knowing that she would break it, and sprinted towards the door. "Gosh, thanks, Mr Gerald. I really really really appreciate this", she grinned as she reached the door, and rushed out with a quick wave before Finn could change his mind. Chuckling to himself, Finn strolled over to the window and watched as Kayline sprinted out of the school grounds, her long blond hair streaming out behind her, her bag flapping wildly. She was an attractive girl, he mused, but caught himself with a jerk and hurriedly stopped the train of thought. Shaking his head, disgusted with himself for eyeing a girl at least five years younger than him, he walked back to where he had been marking a pile of exam papers, but throughout the day, his mind lingered upon a certain girl with her pale hair streaming out behind her as she ran.

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