Chapter 15

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"Now, I'm going to summarize my entire lecture for today. Basically, you need to know the list of formula I've listed at the side, they'll be essential for the homework I've assigned you. Do try and get them done by next lecture, or no cookies for you". There was a smattering of laughter at Finn's attempt at a joke and quite a few rolled their eyes good heartily. Most had noticed that their lecturer was in a rare good mood these days, but few bothered to wonder about it. "That's it, class, you may leave".

A collective sigh went across the entire lecture theatre, and tired students heaved their backpacks across their shoulder, hurrying out, heading for the blissfulness of their homes, or the quiet of the library. With one exception.

"Kay, how long do you need to pack?" Leeane whined impatiently, tapping her foot on the floor. When Kayline still dawdled, she let out a vile curse and stuffed her friend's books into the bag herself. Kayline gave her a weak smile, which flickered briefly at Leeane's sigh.

"Kayline, could I see you for a moment please?" Finn called up brusquely from the front of the lecture theatre. They were the only three people left in the place now.

"Alright, just give me a second here", Kayline replied, desperately willing back the dull flush creeping her neck. She tried to avoid meeting Leeane's questioning gaze, and muttered that it was about the physics remedial. Without another word, Leeane shrugged, and walked out of the lecture theatre. Kayline sighed. Now Lee was pissed with her. Oh well; before she knew it, Finn had leaped up the rows of stairs to miraculously appear in front of her, and enfold her in a tight embrace. Kayline quickly darted a quick look around to check if they were indeed alone.

"I missed you", Finn breathed into her hair, hugging her close. Kayline, discomfited by such closeness, squirmed a little.

"Hey, you just saw me for one entire lecture", she reminded him, gently slipping out of his grasp. Even though the lecture theatre was indeed empty, she was still half afraid that someone would enter and see the two of them in such an intimate position. Finn was slightly disappointed by Kayline moving away from him, but took it in his stride. He was already counting his lucky stars that Kayline had agreed to be with him, even for a month, and he wasn't going to push his luck.

"It's just not the same", Finn grinned in reply, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "You have no idea how hard it was for me to conduct a lecture, while the girl of my dreams was just sitting there dozing off".

Kayline tried hard to muffle her laughter. Physics had been as boring as usual, and the only thing that kept her from actually falling into an unwakeable sleep was the continual prodding in her ribs by Leeane, and Finn's frequent looks at her. "How could I ever fall asleep while my oh-so-strict teacher keeps such a close eye on me?!" she retorted.

"Oh yeah, and here's your punishment", Finn joked, reaching one hand out to tickle her. He had discovered she was ticklish by accident-- once, he reached up for something, accidentally brushed his hand against her side, and was surprised at her quick double-up and giggle. It proved to be an extremely beneficial find. To him, at least.

"Cut it out", Kayline giggled, and skirted around to plump into another seat. "Oh my god! I forgot about Lee! She's still outside waiting for me", she muttered, fumbling around for her bag. Hurriedly, she shrugged it on, and was about to dash off when she was stopped by the quick flash of Finn's arm.

"Give me a hug first", he murmured, drawing her in. Smiling, Kayline let herself be pulled in, and rested her head on his shoulders. Breathed him in, the clean, fresh scent of him. The moment would be the first they had of many-- both of them in each other's embrace, in the middle of a lecture theatre.

"I have to go", Kayline whispered at his ear, when it seemed like he would never let go. He did, eventually, but kept his eyes on hers as he released her.

"I'll see you around, Kay..." With a quick nod of her head, Kayline bounded down the steps and was gone. She didn't hear the soft sigh that escaped from Finn's mouth.


Kayline emerged out of the lecture theatre and stepped directly into Leeane's icy glare. Offering up a half-hearted smile, Kayline walked towards Leeane.

"Don't tell me that was about physics remedial again", Leeane snapped. "I so do not believe that you guys have to meet up three times a day to talk about physics remedial!".

"Ummm. We don't exactly meet up three times a day..." she replied weakly. "Do we?" At Leeane's frigid gaze, Kayline sighed. And started to walk to the lockers, leaving Leeane staring after her.

"Kay, what's gotten into you? You're hiding something", she accused, leaning against a row of lockers. "Best friends never hide anything from each other". Sulking, she folded her arms across her chest and slid down.

Kayline bit her lip. She and Finn had made a pact not to tell anyone of their relationship. And to keep it as quiet as possible. Finn had been rather reluctant, but had seen the point of her argument. After all, he didn't want to lose his job, and she didn't want to be expelled. It was only for a month, after all. Things may not work out the way they wanted to. It was hard to keep any secrets from Leeane, but she knew Finn didn't want anyone to know about it.

"Lee..." Kayline crouched down, forced her friend to look into her eyes. "I'm not hiding anything".As she said this, she crossed her fingers behind her back, and silently apologized to her friend for lying. "We just had to... Discuss some things".

Leeane kept her gaze steady. "Why won't you tell me what happened that night?" she asked softly. She had been springing this question on Kayline for the past week, hoping to get a straight answer. But it was always the same. Kayline would change the topic. As she did now.

"Come on, Lee. I want to go home and eat", she muttered, turning away. Leeane studied her for awhile, then followed her without a comment.

She didn't feel the need to tell Kayline that she already knew what had happened.

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