Chapter 8

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Kayline stood in the centre of the waiting room, and frowned at her plush surroundings for lack of other things to frown at. She didn't understand why she was here, why she was "summoned", so to say, by the school psychiatrist. She wasn't psycho, she assured herself nervously. So why on earth would she be standing here, staring stupidly at the close door, which read, "School Psychiatrist: Quinney Whitney". Kayline had to remind herself repeatedly that she had been summoned, all the while glancing at the piece of paper grasped tightly in her hand. She had gone through the customary therapy sessions after the school had found out about her parents' separation; but those were customary, and she was soon released after Quinney had ensured that she was able to attend lessons again. Of course, she had been back for a few follow-up sessions since then, but they had been part of a schedule, and she had known about them weeks in advance. This, though, was different. If the sessions weren't about her parents, then why would she be called here? But before she could muse further, a brunette head popped out. "Miss Kayline? Quinney would like you to go in now".

Kayline nodded nervously and stepped up to the great wooden oak door and rapped quicl;y.

"Come in".

The room was cosy, the walls painted with a muted tone of soothing blue, as was the cushioned chair beside the dark wooden table. But Kayline hardly noticed the furnishings of the room; her gaze was fixed upon the person behind the desk.

"Well, Kayline", Quinney smiled, gesturing to the chair beside her. "It had been a long time since we've last met, hasn't it? How have you been?"

Kayline refused to sit, but rather, stood where she was, eyeing Quinney with just a hint of hostility and wariness. Sessions with Quinney always left her tired and troubled, which was why she never looked forward to it. Also, she was unsure of the motive behind this little get-together, and was determined to find that out before she stumbled into something unknown. "Why am I here?" She blurted, never one to skirt around the topic.

The only hint of surprise that Quinney showed was the delicate raising of one of her finely sculpted eyebrows. "Why, Kayline, surely it's fine for us to just come together once in awhile to have a little chat?"

"No, it's not fine", Kayline snapped. "If you have nothing better to say, then I'm leaving". With that, Kayline spun on her heels, and was about to leave the room when Quinney's soft voice wafted towards her again.

"Kayline, please, have a seat", Quinney requested quietly. "I do have a purpose in asking you here, my dear".

Kayline gritted her teeth. She hated the way the psychiatrist went about with her terms of endearment, supposedly to put her "patients" at ease, but rather set her on edge. But she knew the quickest way about this was to go through it, and so, much as she hated it, she strode forward and slumped down on the chair before eyeing Quinney suspiciously. "Get on with it then".

With a sigh, Quinney leaned forward. "Kayline, it it really so impossible for us to have a civil conversation? I am, after all, a psychiatrist, and it's hard for me to do my job when you're being like this".

"I'm not in the mood for small talk".

"Alright, alright", Quinney gave up. "Well then, I'll be frank with you.  I'd like to know how you're coping with the loss of your parents".

Kayline refrained, unsuccessfully, from rolling her eyes. "I'm doing fine".

"Oh? So what other troubles do you have now?"


"Yet someone witnessed you banging the lockers and swearing at a teacher, Kayline. I believe something must have been important enough to cause that. Why do you try to avoid it?"

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