Chapter 3

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"Lee, this is absolutely impossible". Kayline said yet again, and shoved her paper across to Leeane. They were at Leeane's house, who was trying to teach Kayline physics. Up till now, she'd had no more success than Finn had with Kayline, and was also struggling to control her impatience with Kayline's denseness.

"Jeez, Kay, this is almost an exact replica of the question I taught you barely five minutes ago, They just changed the values, that's all".

"What?!" Kayline demanded. "Why can't they just retain the same values then? They just want to torture me". She sulked and pulled the paper back towards her, adn noted that it did seem to bear a certain resemblance to the question above.

"Yeah, well", Leeane shrugged. "Finn set this paper after all".

"I KNEW IT!" Kayline exclaimed. "Only HE would set this kind of murderous paper".

"Well.. I'd say it's slightly tricky, but I wouldn't call it murderous".

"You wouldn't", Kayline said rolling her eyes. "You worship the ground that the guy walks upon, much less the papers that he sets". Leeane stuck her tongue out and playfully stuck a fist into Kayline's stomach, who immediately executed a dramatic mock faint.

"Finn's cute, Kayline, admit it", Leeane poked a finger at Kayline, who was still lying prone and unmoved on the floor.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever", Kayline muttered without even opening her eyes. "That man has it in for me. He's making me go for physics remedial classes EVERYDAY after school!". She moaned, and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Oh come on, Kay. You know that half the population in our school would have died to go in your place". Leeane grinned. "A one-on-one session with a cute guy is always interesting".

"Cute guy, my ass".

"He has a cool body too", Leeane mused. "You could see it when we dumped water on him at the beach. Shirt was sticking to him", she murmured, picturing the scene perfectly. 

"Man, Lee, you're gonna start drooling if you're not careful". Kayline shook her head, amused at Leeane's dreamy expression.

"I am so NOT going to drool", Leeane stuck out her tongue, and flung her pillow at Kayline. Kayline, never one to take an attack sitting down, immediately hurled her pillow back at Leeane, who snatched it out of midair. Before they knew it, a pillow-fight was underway, and feathers were soon floating through the room like some snow blizzard. Laughing, both girls fell onto the floor adn let the feathers rain down on them.


"Come on, Kay, we're going to be late for Finn's class if you don't hurry", Leeane snapped, leaning against the door of Kayline's locker as she rummaged through it for her physics notes.

"Well, not like I want to be on time anyway", Kayline retorted, and caught the exasperated look on Leeane's face. "But yeah, yeah, I know you want to make a good impression on him". She chuckled as Leeane's face turned red, and grabbed her physics textbooks before slamming her locker shut without even bothering to lock it first. "Alright. I'm done, let's go".

"Finally!" Leeane grumbled, and all but dragged Kayline into the auditorium.

"I told you he wasn't here yet..." Kayline pointed out as she scanned the room and didn't see him. But she followed Leeane as she made her way to the few remaining seats left. Within minutes, Finn entered, and cast a quick glance over the assembled mass of students, and felt a tinge of pleasure when he saw Kayline snoozing in her seat.

"Sorry I was a little late today", he said, shuffling his notes around. "Had some marking to finish first". The students, who had been chattering incessantly, immediately quietened down upon his arrival. With the exception of Kayline, all were focused attentively upon him, some overly so. "Kayline, if you'd be as kind as to wake up, I'll be starting my lesson". Finn watched as Leeane jabbed Kayline to awakens, and continued. "We'll be going through Kinematics and Dynamics today as part of your revision for the end of year exams..."

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