Chapter 10

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"Kayline! It's almost 6!" Leeane groaned and kicked the bathroom door yet again. Kayline had been inside for the past hour, and Leeane was almost dying to see how Kayline looked. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" A muffled voice came from behind that locked wooden door. Leeane sighed and leaned against the door, but stumbled backwards when the door opened. The sight that greeted her had her jaw dropping.

Kayline stood in the centre of the bathroom uncertainly, her eyes clearly showing how doubtful she was about the whole business. But Leeane wasn't looking at Kayline's eyes. Kayline's hair had been bundled over her head, while the rest of her soft golden curls spilled down. A pair of diamond earrings hung from her ears, and a matching necklace dripped from her neck, ending where the gown began. It sleeked down her body, enhancing her body, and was long enough to reach her ankles, where she wore a pair of midnight blue heels. A diamond ring twinkled from her middle finger. Her make up was almost perfect, highlighting the blue of both her eyes and her gown.

"Umm, how'd I look?" Kayline asked, biting her lower lip as Leeane gaped.

"Gosh, Kay, you look fabulous!" Leeane gushed, pulling Kayline out and spun her around in a slow circle. "You're... Magnificent! Man... The guys are gonna eat their eyes out when they see you" She winked. As if on cue, the doorbell rang. "There, they're here! Tim's coming along with Michael, so we're still going to go together. I think Tim's driving his car..." Leeane babbled as she tugged Kayline down gently. When Leeane opened the door, she obtained her desired effect. The two boys goggled at Kayline.

"Kayline... You look..." Tim stuttered, at a loss for words. Kayline shot him a dazzling smile, and accepted the single white rose that he'd brought for her. Beside him, Michael looked equally starstruck.

"Hey, Mike, you're supposed to be my date", Leeane punched him playfully. She was wearing a cream coloured dress, and looked every bit as stunning as Kayline. Michael shifted his gaze and gaped further.

"Jeeze guys, you're gonna start drooling soon", Kayline said, amused at their reactions. True, she was seldom seen in anything other than jeans or shorts, but she didn't think her appearance in a gown warranted such a drastic reaction. At Kayline's words, both guys snapped out of their trance, and smirked at each other. "Well, it's not out fault you two both look gorgeous". Michael said. The foursome began to walk to Tim's car down the road.


Finn sat sprawled beside the table, checking his watch every five minutes. It was 7pm already, why wasn't Kayline here yet? He was sure that she hadn't come yet, for he had sat in this exact spot for the past hour, his gaze fixed upon the entrance, impatiently waiting for Kayline's arrival. He knew she was coming, with Tim. At his name, Finn scowled a little. Despite reassuring himself that it was just a date, it didn't help with the jealousness that he felt. 

Derek wandered over and settled down beside Finn. The lad looked so miserable, he thought, watching Finn discretely. It was amazing how he was the only one who knew of Finn's infatuation with his student. 

"How's it going Finn?" Derek asked easily, shooting an arm out and catching a flute of champagne.

"Fine", Finn replied vaguely, still not removing his gaze from the entrance.

"So... Why aren't you eating or dancing or doing something but sitting here and stoning?" Derek asked, exasperated. Finn didn't reply but shrugged his reply. "I'm not stoning..." Finn mumbled when it appeared that Derek wouldn't be content without an answer. "I'm just-" He suddenly talking and sat up in his seat, eyes going as round as platters. Derek sighed and glanced towards  the entrance, already knowing what he would see there. Indeed, Kayline had arrived, looking exceptionally beautiful.

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