Backstory pt 1

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The scent of pumpkin filled the car as the music blared from the speakers and Bad rested his small head against the back window in the car, watching cars zoom past them. His mother and father argued in the front seats, not caring their four year old could hear every hurtful word.

While the adults argued Bad closed his eyes, edging closer to sleep until he heard his mother scream "Look out!" as light filled the car, and flipped, roughly throwing the young boy into the seat belt, the door, and the sides of his booster seat.

Water filled the car soon after the force stopped, dragging Bad's eyes shut and descending him into a pit of darkness.

Death, one of them walked confidently through the hospital since human eyes couldn't see her unless they were going to die...She walked until she got to her destination. A family, who had been in a car wreck...Bad's family.

"Who...are you?" a young woman, easily in her mid twenties to early thirties stood, staring at her in the eyes, confusion covering her face as she stood next to doctors covering her body up.

"I am Death....I'm here to take you away, somewhere you'll be at peace." She smiled, holding out her hand, patiently waiting for Bad's mother to take her hand.

"My son...I...Can't leave him." Death's eyes went wide at the mothers plea... There were no children on the list of souls for her to take...So he must be alright, but he will be all alone.

"Do not worry...He will be alright." Death smiled at the mother who seemed more relieved and hesitantly took Death's hand. A soft light coming off the woman's skin as she disappeared.

Death pitied the child, no more family...She decided to go visit him and a tear slid down her cheek staring at the boy in the bed, hooked to many machines. Each Death was once a human, one that was brutally murdered and rose in the ranks from grim reaper to an angel of Death, if their bodies weren't found.

She had a son, about Bads age when she and the kid were killed.

Bad wasn't dead yet, but he also wasn't alive...His soul wasn't in his body, but it was trapped in limbo, so Death, who took pity upon the boy placed a hand over his young heart and closed her eyes, opening them when she stood next to child, who was sitting in the large grass field with flowers on a blanket.

"Hello there." She greeted, feeling saddened by him when he looked up at her, his spirit was very transparent and weakened....

"You poor thing." She let out, going down to one knee and planting a kiss on his forehead. Once her lips left the softness of his skin she smiled, seeing that he was no longer transparent, but her smile fell when she saw that his skin had turned charcoal black ...Small dark, small crimson horns poked out of his hair, and a small tail with an upside down heart looking shape poked and his eyes...they pure white...

Quickly any hint of demonic energy faded from his body, except the horn until he looked like a small child with small horns.

"Oh no." She breathed out, panic setting in...She had healed his soul, but brought forth a darkness in his soul, corrupting his spirit into a demon.

"What have you done? Death." Out of protective habit Death stood in the young child's way. It was forbidden to change a spirit's natural state to that of an angel or demon, but she truly had only wanted him to be safe.

"He is stuck here in limbo. You can't take him." Death seethed at the angel who stood next to a demon. They were called the guards of heaven and hell, giving passage to souls who were sent to either place.

"It seems you haven't given him a choice now...He belongs in Limbo. He will not be returning to his human body." The angel spoke, moving forward but Death raised her arms, sending both dark and light energy between them.

"I made a mistake. He belongs with the humans. He is not dead." Death spoke, stepping closer to the boy once again, who wasn't doing anything but sitting there, confused.

"Nor is he alive." The demon spoke, not moving from it's spot, staring at the young child, no emotion in it's white eyes.

Death had to think fast, knowing she wasn't strong enough to take both on...So she stepped back, grabbing the boy's hand and taking him back to his body...He was still silent while she held his hand, and his body's hand.

"I am sorry that I have done this." She spoke before she felt the demonic energy pass through her and slip into the four year old's body.

Opening her eyes, she saw the boy's skin pitch black and it made her sigh. She knew she'd have to do something to protect him, so she lifted his wrist and drew four small dots in a line on his veins.

"I know you are young...But do not break these seals. They will protect you." Closing her eyes once again to relax, she healed the body injuries and brought him away from the middle of life and death...In doing so, she also picked his body up, vanishing from human sight until they appeared in front of an old church.

"I am an Angel Of Death. This young boy is a demon child. I ask upon you, a priest to raise him as a human, never to let him know of his true self, and to protect him. Will you do so?" She asked impatiently...The priest was shell shocked at a young girl appearing with a child that had horns atop his head.

"I-...I..." He stuttered, slightly afraid of both of them...Until Bad smiled, a soft laugh leaving his lips as he tugged on the priest's cross necklace, not being burned as a normal demon would be.

"You can trust me." She let out for the priest and he inhaled before speaking calmly. "I will take care of him. He is a child after all, and every child is innocent in the eyes of god."

Death nodded her thanks and began to give Bads origin, making sure he knew to never tell the young boy of who he was, or what happened to him.

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