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Skeppy and I sat silently on the bleachers at the soccer field, watching his team play. They were practicing for their game later today but Skeppy had asked me to come watch the practice. He hadn't said anything to me after coming to sit beside me, which made me feel a little anxious. Father Johnny had said that I fainted and Skeppy caught me, which meant he could have seen my horns, but he was calm.

The silence was so loud between us, and I could tell he wanted to say something, but held his tongue.

"Skeppy..."I began but was interrupted by his coach calling him to the field.

"Skeppy, come on, we need you for practice. Bad...Go ahead and go back to class, the game starts in thirty minutes." Coach Violet hollered. She was much too used to me skipping class to be with Skeppy during soccer practices.

Our classes were dismissed for the game so I jogged to our other friends Zelk, Finn, Vurb, Spifey, Dream, George, and Sapnap to sit with them.

A bit into the game I couldn't hear my own thoughts with how loud everyone was around me...Until I watched Skeppy run forward at the ball, kicking it with so much force his shirt was lifted ...Showing the perfectly tanned skin underneath, up to his belly button, not much was showing but the slip of his perfectly sculpted abs were enough for my mind to go to places I'd never thought it could.

If only I could drag my fingers against the skin, make him shiver beneath my gentle touch...Feel the softness of his stomach...His chest...All the way up to his jaw, with my fingers, my lips, attach my lips to his...Make him mine.

"GO SKEPPY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Dream beside me yelled, pulling me from my thoughts and I looked up, heat radiating off my cheeks to see Skeppy, cheeks flushed, eyes dilated, and... He looked breathless...As though he could feel everything I had thought of.

What was that? There's no way he could have known what I was thinking... but it looked like he had felt it or something...

My confusion was broken with the cheer of my classmates besides me as the ball slammed into the net. Their final goal. Skeppy had won them the game.

I yelled "Yes! You did it Skeppy!" I cheered in excitement and climbed over the bars, holding my arms out for Skeppy to jump into for a victory hug. When the force of his body slammed against mine, I wrapped my arms around him in a careful embrace, wincing lightly when my back hit the bars... I didn't mind that since I got to hug skeppy, his small, child-like giggles echoed in my ear as he said. "We did it Bad."

After the game we were walking home and the silence had returned. I saw him open and close his mouth multiple times...I could tell he had something he wanted to say but it wasn't coming out, as though he didn't know what to say.

Could he have seen my horns... Could he have seen...me? What if Johnny finds out.. He's always told me to keep them secret...No one should see them... No one should see them ever... I cant let people see them... But what if Skeppy Did.... He wouldn't like me the same...I wouldn't like me anymore not at all...not like I like him at least...But if he did see them.....

I wasn't able to get out of my head and it was driving me insane.. I was sinking further into oblivion before being interrupted by Skeppy as he stopped walking and turned to me.

"Bad...Can I talk to you?..." Skeppys voice was very timid when he spoke so I turned to him, softly gripping his shoulders when I was in front of him to make him look me in the eyes.

"Of course Skeppy...You know you can." He didn't react to being this close to me, staring me dead in the eyes.

"My mom is in the hospital...Dad broke a bottle over her head last night when they were fighting...I feel so stupid, I...I didn't help her, I should have stopped him sooner...Maybe then she'd be okay..." His voice trailed off, eyes starting to tear up as he tilted his head down towards the ground.

I placed my index finger under his chin, thumb rested below his bottom lip so I could make him lift his head up.

"Skeppy...It's okay. You did absolutely nothing wrong. In that situation there was nothing you could have done anyway." My voice was lighter than normal...Skeppy had that effect on me, it was something I'd known for a long time...He calmed me in some way...I hoped I had the same effect on him


He met my eyes, a soft smile at the corner of his lips. But I could tell from his eyes that he didn't completely believe me, not yet.

I felt his eyes travel down from my eyes, to my nose, landing on my lips and he hesitantly looked back to my eyes, as if asking permission. I subtly nodded, not realizing what I had agreed to until he went to lean in. Hastily I turned my head away, making him halt his movements as if he had shocked himself by his actions, and before I could stop myself I placed my lips against the soft skin of his cheek and backed away after a gentle peck.

"You coming or not?" I teased, having started walking ahead of him, trying to hide the fact my cheeks were definitely a dark red and my heart was beating so loudly I heard it in my own ears.

What just happened? Did I really just almost kiss Skeppy? Skeppy of all people...My best friend. My first friend. I really...Really wanted to...I wanted to feel his lips against mine, the force of both of us together...Our bodies pressed together in the sheets... For him to feel all of me...and for me to feel all of him...I wanted it so bad...for me to be with him...The embers of passion burning our skin in, burning each part of us...

I watched as Skeppy inhaled, eyes dilating and the way he slightly tilted his head back, eyes turning a slightly darker brown with his lips parted, cheeks beginning to glow red...I watched in amusement as he lifted his hand and ran it through his hair, as if he was trying to collect himself.

Why does it always seem he feels it?..Or...No. There's no way he can.

"I'll race you?" He spoke, voice shaky but he took off in a sprint.

It took me a moment to actually start running but when I took off I followed closely behind him, both of us silent the whole way.

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