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Pain...The pain was overwhelming as I heard Bads scream...No, it sounded more like a roar than a scream, but I was unable to open my eyes, or my mouth to assure him I was fine...But I wasn't. I felt myself slipping into darkness until I felt my body being helpless dragged...A voice sounding in my ear.

"You cannot die here. The boy needs you, and only you to bring him back."

I felt a hand resting on my chest, freezing air pushing against my skin through the hoodie as my eyes slowly opened to see Death...She was leaning on her knees, a hand on the tree above me, her other inside of my heart

"I can slow the effects down....But you're going to die if you don't get up."


"You're dying...I'm bringing you back. I won't be able to heal you again...and if you're not careful...It'll happen again, but you'll die."

I didn't get what she was saying, but I looked over her shoulder, eyes wide as I saw...Bad?

It was Bad...But much bulkier, skin matching that of the thing he was fighting, and his eyes, they were a bright glowing white...He was so much taller too.

"That's his true form....But he is on earth, and while he is on earth...Those seals will harm him when he comes back...If he does. So I need you to bring him back before it's to late..."

I was attempting to catch my breath while I watched Bad fight. He caught the black things fist, moving it over the side of his shoulder, pulling it forward and slamming his free elbow to its neck, knocking it to the ground with a violent shutter of the ground.


Death hollered, pulling me to my feet as one of the things that was whiter than anything I'd ever seen ran at us.

"I'll handle her! You get Bad!"

I nodded and looked back at him, feeling the back of my head that was soaked with my own blood....Damn...I never knew death could bring someone to life...


I yelled, moving to the right when he tried to swing at me....One hit and I'd probably be dead.

"Bad! Look at me! It's me!"

He roared and rushed at me, as soon as I saw his fist come up I lifted my arm, feeling the impact instantly and pushing his arm over my shoulder to deflect it, since we were this close...I moved forward and wrapped my arms around him, pulling me against me as a hug.

"Bad! Wake up! It's me!"

He grabbed my waist and spun me out, causing me to hit the ground with such a force I felt dizzy but I knew if I stayed down, he'd kill me.

I stumbled to my feet and the second I saw an opening I ran at him, grabbing his left arm, my hand barely able to hold the amount of muscle there but clearly he hadn't seen it coming so I stepped forward and hugged him again, this time placing a light kiss to his neck.

"Bad....I'm alive...I'm here...So look at me."

He tilted his head while looking at me, so I stood on my tippy toes and brought my lips to his.

I felt the muscles under me seemingly deflated and lips met my own, making my heart skip. I smiled against his lips when he broke the kiss with a soft panting.

"Skeppy? You're...okay?"

I nodded and brought our lips together again, not opening my eyes.

He grabbed hold of my hips and made me take a few steps backwards until my back his something hard while we continued to kiss, passion overflowing between us.

After a few moments we broke the kiss for air and I met his glowing eyes...His skin was as it had been with my father...a dark grey, not yet black.

"Bad...Welcome back."

He chuckled and kissed my jaw, kissing slowly down the skin of my neck, body leaned fully against my own...Every kiss felt like electric until he pulled away, making me growl in dissatisfaction.

"If you two are done there...I could use some help."

He pulled himself away from me and rushed back to help death, though he wasn't human...My view of him didn't change.

Something wasn't right...The black thing...Its sword was gone...


He turned to me with a smile, but it instantly faded and without pupils I couldn't tell what he felt, but the way he tensed up said he was scared.


He yelled as I coughed blood up and sizzling pain shot through my back and stomach, white, hot, burning pain pulsed through me as I leaned my head down to see a black blade leaving my skin, my blue hoodie was turning a dark red but I heard someone running to me.

When my body hit the ground with a thud, I felt Bad instantly move me up into his lap, causing blood to drip down the corner of my mouth.

"B-Bad...Don't...Give up."

I coughed again, straining myself to talk as my world seemed to be going darker.

I saw his skin turning darker again, so I slid one hand into his, and my other up to his cheek with a weak smile...

"I love you...Bad..."

I struggled, trying my hardest to keep my eyes open as I saw his eyes fade back in to that beautiful green I loved.

"Y-ou...You-re so..Pretty..."

He nodded and kissed my wrist, tears sliding down his cheeks while his skin turned normal.

"Skeppy...Please....Please stay with me. I love you...."

I smiled, darkness taking over...

When I opened my eyes again...I stood next to Bad, who was sobbing and holding my body to his.

"I told you that you would die again if you weren't careful."

I spun around, seeing Death standing against a tree and walking closer.

"I'm not allowed to do this, but I made the mistake of making Bad a demon...So you can make the choice to travel with him through the gates of hell as a spirit...and if you make it out meet me at the last gate where I can turn you into heavens gates...Or...You can come with me now and get it over with."

I looked at Bad...And for a moment I almost chose to leave, but my head snapped up, looking at her in shock.

"Go with him?"

She nodded.

"He made the deal with me...That if I saved you...He'd travel the gates and save hell....So I did, yet you died again....And now the choice is yours...But you will be more likely to fall prey to the demons....And if you fail a trial...You'll never be able to leave."

I gulped...I was hesitant to leave him...But would I hold him back?


No...I can't let him do this alone...even if I'm dead.

"I want to stay with him."

She sighed but smiled.

"Then wait by the gate...The two trees combined. Time here is much faster than it is there, but do NOT leave that spot. Got it?"

I nodded and kneeled beside Bad, playing a hand on his upper arm...

"I love you too Bad...You'll see."

I went beside the tree, seeing a giant black hole that had a deep red color spinning inside of it.

This...Was here the whole time?

I chuckled to myself and spoke to no one.

"I died...March third Two thousand and two....In the back of an old church...In California...killed by something no one thought was real...In love with one...Willing to travel hell, to save it for this boy."

Would this be the end for me?...Or would Bad and I survive...

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