Backstory pt 2

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Skeppys family...They were all extremely religious. The kind of people who went to church and preached the bible to others, but the second they were home...His father was a drunk. He didn't beat or hurt Skeppy, but he did beat on his mother when she disappointed him.

Skeppy was religious as well, which meant he understood that his family was very strongly against gay people, but he always knew he was different...He hated that he was the way he was, but for some reason he couldn't help it...He liked both males and females...Of course he'd never admit to it, not to anyone.

At age six Bad was finally allowed to attend the church meetings and was introduced as the priest's son...But Skeppy had instantly taken an interest in the boy that kept his hood up, and didn't talk to anyone.

Skeppy went to church with his parents every Sunday and Wednesday...But never saw the boy go to Sunday school, or move from the front pew once. He'd hold the bible and read, but never pray. He'd stand to sing the hymns but never even hummed along.

One day, Skeppy snuck away from where his parents were during the "walk around greeting" time where adults would go, shake peoples hands, and have cheerful talks...And he went to the young boy who'd caught his attention.

"Hi...My name is Skeppy. What's yours?" He smiled, holding out his small hand. When the other boy looked up Skeppy went speechless. The boy with the hood had been crying, his cheeks were a soft tinted pink, his emerald eyes were shining, and his chin had tears dripping.

"Why...Are you sad?" He asked, sitting beside the boy and looking at him.

"I'm different than everyone else...I want to be normal." He sniffled, and though Skeppy didn't understand what he meant, he began to laugh. This kid was the priest's son, why would he be normal, Skeppy had thought, but the boy got quieter and looked over at Skeppy, shock on his face that startled Skeppy.

"Why are you laughing?" He said, voice stern.

"Because no one is normal. I'm not. You're not. Your father isn't. The strangers on the sidewalk aren't...Normal doesn't exist. If it did, I wouldn't want to be it's friend. Weird makes you unique." He smiled, causing the boy to touch his hood and pull it down slightly to cover his face more.

"My name is Bad." He spoke hesitantly and looked at Father Johnny, who had been watching the two nodded. Skeppy smiled and held his hand out for Bad to shake...

Hesitantly Bad slid his hand into Skeppy's hand, feeling the strength of Skeppys grip and shook it twice before the Father started to speak again, causing Skeppy to wave goodbye and jog back to his seat with his parents.

After church Bad sat in the pew, waiting for Father Johnny to tell him it was time to go home...All he could do was stare at his own hand that had shaken Skeppys, and he could hear the boy's words echoing in his mind. "No one is normal."

"No one is normal?" Echoed Bad, a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Compared to himself, he thought everyone was normal. Sometimes, when he was angry, or upset he would have the darkest thoughts....Thoughts of hurting someone...Very badly.

"I'm less normal than anyone though." Bad sighed to himself.

After church Father Johnny came to sit beside Bad, pulling the young boy to his side, arm draped around him...Though he knew bits and pieces of the young child's origins, he loved the kid as his own.

As each day passed he watched Bad grow, seeming more and more human, and less like he was scared of everything.

Father Johnny began to worry when he heard about what Bad did to people when he was angry, trying to search for ways to get a hold of the girl Death who had brought him the child, but was unable to summon her.

The only thing that the priest could do, was continue to raise the boy as his own and treat him as he would any other child...Even though he knew just how different the boy was.

Bad however had never known of his history and hated how he looked. The fear of someone knowing how he looked under the hood..He wondered every day how people would think of him...He hated himself for how he was...But he couldn't do anything for it.

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