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"Bad?!" I called out when he stopped walking. My voice was shaking with worry as I gripped his shoulder, calling for him again as fear gripped me. "Bad!"

I frantically looked around the room for something so I could call someone, but from the corner of my eye I watched Bad's body going limp, so I quickly grabbed his upper arm and came forward so I could put my other arm under his.

Worry pricked through my skin as I slowly leaned him closer to my chest and came down to my knees, careful not to let him fall from my grip. Once I got down to the floor on both of my knees, I noticed his hood had slipped from his face farther than where it normally rested.

His face was out in full display. I had never seen it like this before. His skin was soft and tender. Those green eyes pressed closed behind their lids, his eyelashes rested upon his cheekbone so gently. His hair was a light chestnut brown with wavy strands that lay across the top of his forehead.

My impulse was getting stronger as my hand slowly started reaching for his hood. I wanted to see his hair, see all of him that I hadn't seen beyond the hood.

I wanted to see his face, to be able to run my hands through those wavy curls. But logic got the better of me. I stopped myself... Knowing he would never talk to me again if I did. It always puzzled me what was underneath that black hood that caused so much trouble. But I knew better and stopped myself.

(Yes, it is I. The writer, here to call Skeppy a simpppp (other writer/editor thingy I can also say he's a certified S.I.M.P))

I snap back to reality and realise I should get Bad to the bed, and let Father Johnny know Bad fainted.

I slowly moved Bad up against my chest after pulling his hood down slightly to cover his face more and slowly get him up onto the bed sheets, Making sure sure he's still breathing and not hurt before leaving to get Father Johnny.

By now I know church is well over, so I walk down to Father Johnny's study where he is reading the bible and preparing for next sunday to tell him what just happened.

"Hey Father, sorry to interrupt you but something happened when I was with Bad and I wanted to get your help." I say, voice light while walking up to his desk.

"What's wrong Skeppy?" he chirps back with a smile.

"I was with Bad, and he fainted after shouting in pain. He seemed really hurt... I was able to catch him, and get him onto his bed safely." I reply with caution.

"Ohh No! Let me go check on him. I'm sure he will be fine." The father replies, standing with a sudden concerned look on his face.

I walked beside the Father, all the way back to Bad's room. When we got back to Bads room I noticed that Bad must have been awake because I noticed Bads hoodie was laying on the ground, which meant that he didn't have his hood on, and he wouldn't want me to see him without it, not without permission....So I stopped before I entered the room.

As I turn to leave the upper floors and go home,I let out a sigh of relief, hearing the Father talking to Bad. Which meant he was fine.

I returned home to my Dad in the kitchen with another bottle of vodka....Of course he was drunk.

The moment he realised I was home I'm greeted with a welcoming "Where were you! You should have been home from church half an hour ago!" He yelled, making me jump very slightly.

"I was with Bad and the Priest. I had to help them with some boxes." I lied in response. I knew he wouldn't be happy if he heard about me holding Bad, Especially if he heard about those other thoughts I had...Like what I wanted to do to him.

I walked up to my room and dropped my school bag on top of my bed, flopping down next to it. I had some homework I had to do...I had wasted time already, I should definitely get started with that.

Slowly, I drag myself out of bed and hobble to my desk, grabbing my pen and pencil out of my bag that I picked up from the bed, along with my notebook.

Sitting down I started working on my math homework. The square root of forty? When in the hell was I going to need to know that? Stupid math.

I couldn't stop thinking about Bad, he had seemed very hurt, as though his eye was hurt by something, but I had never seen him like that.

"I'm not normal." Echoed through my mind...Bad had always said he wasn't normal, was it because he had fainted like this a lot? No...The father had seemed worried, if it was normal he wouldn't worry as much.

"Bad...I hope you're okay. You can talk to me about anything...I'll always be here." Though I said it to no one, I somehow hoped he could hear me.

"You are so naive! You think the world is your oyster! You're nothing but a housewife that I had an accidental child with!" I opened my eyes, hearing dad yell at mom again...She probably hadn't done something to his liking.

"You're not the only one suffering from this child! If I could leave you both I would!" My mother had screamed back....

They fought like this often...My mom wanted to leave dad, but she didn't want to leave me with him, nor did she want to take me with her...Not that I'd go, I couldn't leave Bad.

They never got physical with their fights...Or not that I knew of, so I left my room to go see if I could calm them down and fear laced through my veins when I watched my mothers body hit the ground, glass shattering around the floor...and my father still holding the neck of his vodka bottle that now lay in shards on the floor around my mom. She laid helplessly on the floor as well, eyes closed and blood trickling down the side of her face.

"M-mom?" I let out, my voice trembling. I could see she was still alive and breathing, but she needed help. Medical help.

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