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February 12th. (this book is ending soon BUT IM ATTACHED)

shirabu was more stressed than ever. right after school, he'd have to go to the gym to help out with decorations, he hasn't had much time to focus on his schoolwork. his reputation of being the top in his classes was slowly crippling. but it wasn't just school, semi still didn't apologize or even try talking to shirabu after the argument which made his blood boil whenever he thought of it. and it didn't help that he was still getting the notes and chocolates.

the notes weren't too nice or lovey-dovey as they used to be. most of them were either saying stuff about how shitty shirabu's attitude was then it always ended with 'but I love you'. like the stupid note he got today, that said 'you push all my buttons, but I love that about you' without giving it a second thought, he threw that shit away, along with the chocolate.

taichi, of course, laughed at how distressed his best friend was.

classes were ending soon, and then shirabu would have to go back to his dorm and do the missing assignments he had piling up for the past week or so. he would be skipping out on helping the volleyball team, which is a win because he wouldn't see semi but also a loss because he had homework to do.

due to being ignored, shirabu would have to walk to his classes with taichi. it's not like he didn't like walking with taichi, it just hits different when it's your crush walking you to classes.

the two were currently walking away from their last period door, about to split since the second year dorms were in the opposite direction from the gym.

"tell them I have work to do, and please make sure satori doesn't come to the dorm to bother me." taichi rolled his eyes but then a small smirk that shirabu didn't notice appeared on his face.

"roger." and with that, the two went in different directions.

(time skip cause fuck school.)

shirabu bit down on his lip trying to stop himself from screaming. he wasn't gonna scream because the work was hard, no in fact it was pretty easy, but it was just so much. he was already an hour in and he only completed 3 assignments.

a scowl on his face as he quickly rushed this assignment so he can take a break. though it was stupid to rush because he knew he was gonna go back and check his answers.

anyway, he pushed the paper away from him not wanting to look at it any longer. huffing out in annoyance, he plopped himself face-first on his pillow. a sigh escaped his lips, although it was muffled due to the pillow.

the weight on his shoulders slowly drifted away as he slowly fell asleep. another relaxed sigh escaped his lips.

that was all ruined when he heard 3 knocks at the door. he specifically told taichi not to let satori up to their shared dorm, so who the hell was knocking, unless taichi forgot his key.

"taichi I swear to fucking go—." as he opened the door and saw the idiot who kept his gaze on the floor with a bag of food in his hand. a small tsk came out of shirabu's mouth followed by him slamming the door in his face.

he glared at the door as if the person on the other side could see.

"shirabu. I brought you some food. open the door please."

"go fuck yourself semi-san." he was already annoyed with the workload and this fucker showing up at his door wasn't making anything any better.

"it's shirasu." after that, semi didn't hear any voices or movement from the other side of the door, that is until shirabu opened the door just a little making enough room for just his hand to stick out. rolling his eyes, semi pushed the door open, ignoring shirabu's protests.

"I could fucking report you for this," shirabu grumbled as he sat at his desk, opening up the boxed shirasu. he angrily ate the fish, glaring at the boy who was sitting on taichi's bed. (YALL I JUST SEEN A PICTURE OF SHIRASU AND I AM DISGUSTED. why my kin be eating nasty shit like that🤧)

semi took a deep breath, still, he didn't wanna apologize, but he honestly missed the copper-haired boy.

"I'm sorry for starting that fight the other day. you didn't deserve it." there was a pregnant silence and semi truly wished he could take back what he just said.

"I'm only forgiving you because you brought shirasu, ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱ'ᵐ ˢᵒʳʳʸ ᵗᵒᵒ." (bye I couldn't get the right font & Wattpad was being a dick and not letting me copy and paste)

"what was that short-ra-bu ?" amusement laced his voice, and no he didn't try hiding it. shirabu's glare just got more intense.

"don't you dare start with that shitty nickname, you're one inch taller than me."

"I'm still taller." shirabu flipped him off. silence filled the air, just two boys, in one dorm, stealing glances at each other when the other wasn't looking. (gay lol)

"Why are you even here? shouldn't you be decorating ? or are you slacking off ?" shirabu mocked him, bringing up what he said during their little argument. semi just mocked a laughing face, then flipped him off.

"we finished most of it, we just have to finish the gym." shirabu nodded and silence filled the air again. well until shirabu broke it again, after throwing away his empty plate(?) of shirasu.

"can you um .. help me with these assignments ?"

"why, yes I can, my sweet little kouhai !"

- semi ain't a bitch no more😜
- anywho i fucking wrote a chapter before this BUT I JATED IT, so here we are.
- anyway im almost done with the alternative ending because i got bored earlier🙄‼️

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