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(i genuinely didn't wanna make them wear suits to a high school dance😭but here we are)

february 14th.

  today was the day shirabu was dreading since february 1st. valentine's day, where people would confess to the person their pining after, or where couples would be celebrating their love for each other. shirabu was clearly not doing either.

  he didn't even wanna move from his bed, let alone go to the stupid dance. his mind wouldn't chill the fuck out last night, so he barely got any sleep. thoughts of semi dancing with another girl kept him awake. nor was he too keen on meeting who was sending him the notes and chocolate's.

  sitting in his first period, he let his head fall on the desk, barely able to keep his eyes open for the last few minutes of that class. until yuuki walked in, her voice cheerful as ever.

"sorry for the interruption but today's the day you've all be looking forward to~. anyway, i have a few chocolate's." she went around handing the chocolate's like she usually did, but this time when she got to shirabu, her smile was replaced with a bigger smile.

"i hope everything works out for you and your admirer." she wiggled her eyebrows, the smile still on her face. shirabu just blankly stared at her before grabbing the sticky note and reading it.

meet me in the cafeteria before the dance starts.

shirabu huffed out, standing up and leaving the class once the bell rang. the orange haired boy stood on the opposite wall of the door, waiting for shirabu. he grew into the habit of walking shirabu to classes after the little fight.

"you look terrible." it was true, shirabu looked like absolute shit. he had very visible eyebags, his hair wasn't really brushed out and his uniform looked a bit messy. (basically looked like he had a quickie, can't explain the bags though)

"gee thanks taichi. you're so nice." shirabu rolled his eyes. he really just wanted to go back to the dorm and sleep. he just wanted to be alone.

"what's up with your admirer ?" shirabu shrugged as they started walking down the hallway to their next class.

"they want to meet before the dance but i'm most likely not gonna go." he was definitely gonna ditch the dance too, but if he told taichi, he would force him to stay.

"yeah you're definitely going."

"and if i don't ?"

"i'll tell everyone you pee'd your pants in junior high." shirabu frowned, remembering the day he pee'd on himself because he was scared of going to high school.

"fuck you, you said you wouldn't bring that up anymore !"


"and why do i have to wear makeup again ?" shirabu asked for what felt the 100th time, as semi stood over him trying to do his eyeliner. (goals, if i do say so myself.) his tongue slightly sticking out of his mouth, trying to concentrate.

"because it looks nice, now stop moving." the dance was starting in about an hour but semi decided to get ready now, along with everyone else. everyone else meaning the volleyball team who was supposed to be here with them in shirabu's dorm with the pair, but they decided to go ask the school committee if they needed to touch anything up.

shirabu sighed, letting the ash-blonde do whatever he wanted. semi had already done his makeup— which was just eyeliner since that was the only thing he knew how to do, but now he was forcing shirabu to wear eyeliner too.

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