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february 6th. (a simple 3 day skip cause writing every single day would get boring ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

the chocolate's and notes kept coming, he grew more and more agitated with every gift he got. he desperately wanted to put an end to this— 'daily confess my love to shirabu' thing, though it might sound rude but trying to find out who was behind this was stressing him out.

instead of throwing the chocolate's away, he would aggressively eat them at random times until taichi took them away from him. he was known to have no self control when he stress eats.

he was stress eating about two things, one, obviously his secret admirer that he seriously wants to away and two, the fact that valentine's day is coming up soon and a bunch of girls would be proposing to semi. he knew semi would dismiss their confessions since he always did, but the thought of him actually accepting one was eating him up.

(anyways bHACK TO THE DAMN PLOT) shirabu stared down at the sticky note in his hands. the other notes he received days before this one were all sappy. simply just pointing out things they liked about shirabu but this one, this note made him anxious.

i'll tell you who i am on valentine's day.

he did not wanna wait until then but did he really have a choice ? whenever he tried asking taichi, he was no help. everytime shirabu asked the boy, he would simply say he didn't know like the fucking traitor he is. he tried asking certain people on the volleyball team, but they gave the same answer taichi did. when he tried asking yuuki, she simply smiled at him and told him his admirer said to keep him anonymous. he even tried bribing her with money, she obviously declined. her face looked very punchable in that moment.

"how do you feel knowing goshiki's gonna get a boyfriend before you ?" shirabu glared at the back of taichi head as they walked into another store. since taichi didn't have practice after school, he forced shirabu to go shopping with him for valentine's day. taichi is a simp for goshiki of all people. if there was a person that screams bad bestfriend etiquette, it's definitely taichi. however, the bowlcut brat is oblivious to the middle blocker's feelings.

"fuck you." he really didn't understand how that bowlcut brat managed to get a boyfriend or even someone to like him before shirabu.

shirabu mindlessly walked behind the boy as he picked out random things for his bratty sub— his soon to be boyfriend. shirabu found himself thinking about his future partner doing this for him— well if he could get one. someone going out of their way just to show him how much they loved him. he yearned for that, but he wasn't good with showing his feelings nor his appreciation at times. (shedelanne please stop projecting yourself in shirabu)

"how are things with you and mister lover boy ?" the two were in the food court, waiting for the food they had just ordered to be delivered(?). shirabu rolled his eyes, taichi knew exactly how things were with them but being the asshole he is, he still asks everyday.

"just peachy."

"are you going to confess anytime soon ?" the knocked the air right out of shirabu's throat. though he already knew the answer to that question, he just wasn't expecting taichi to ask.

"absolutely not. i'd rather not embarrass myself." truth be told, he was scared. scared of rejection, scared of the heartbreak. scared of the bad days. he was scared of it all. he had never witnessed real love nor has he felt it, so he was scared he wouldn't be able to handle it. he feels like every move he makes will hurt him, so for him it's easier to give up and not make a move at all.(once again shedelanne— stawp)

taichi takes a deep breath, silently praying for God to give him strength to not strangle this boy right fucking now— "we've went over this so many times, you're literally just confessing. how is that embarrassing ?"

"it just is ! what if he rejects me ?"

"i highly doubt that's gonna happen."

shirabu raised his eyebrow at the red-head who simply gave him a bored expression.

"if i confess to goshiki, you have to confess too."

"hell no ! you have a chance with that bowlcut brat more than i have a chance with semi." taichi sighed loudly once again. mans insecurities are showing.

"i don't care what you say, you're gonna confess." shirabu shook his head.

"you can't make me."

"i can and i will."

- this is like a filler chapter or whatever
- i wrote most of this in my vulnerable hours so ,,, my bad lol
- the last part was rushed obviously.
- uhm, ignore any mistakes ?

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