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february 2nd.

shirabu was back in class, regretting his life decisions as he waited for the class to end.

as expected, yuuki walks in with the same smile she wore yesterday. same basket filled with treats, swung back and forth from her hands.

this time he slightly paid attention, he honestly didn't think he would get another but his body spoke for him, intensely watching and listening to the girl pass around the chocolates.

"ah! shirabu kenjiro !" she winked at the boy before handing the rest of the chocolate. he simply nodded his head at her like yesterday, grabbing the chocolate that had a blue sticky note attached to it, just like yesterday.

i wish you loved me like i love you.

his eyebrow raised as he stared at the note. well shit, it's not his fault he was in love with his snotty senpai. he silently laughed at himself, gathering his stuff since the bell had rang.

he once again, was met with ash-blonde hair and chocolate eyes. he smiled at the boy, to which he returned.

"oh ? you got another chocolate." shirabu nodded, the two walking to shirabu's next class.

"do you like it ?" he was conflicted. the note threw him off completely today, and especially the way yuuki winked at him— as if it were her that was sending him these. he visibly cringed.

"well i like the chocolate, but i think yuuki got it for me. she's .. not my type." semi nervously laughed, scratching the back of his neck. shirabu was so dense, so things weren't going as he planned.

"uhm so, the volleyball team is having this thing tonight. do you wanna come ?" he simply nodded. taichi would've forced him to go anyway. semi flashed him a smile before letting shirabu go into his class.


school had ended and shirabu was in his dorm, laying down. he just finished his homework and he was more drained than ever. he knew he had to get up soon though or else taichi would drag him out of bed once he finished practice.

he waited until there was at least 10 minutes left of practice before standing up and taking a shower.

he put on a simple purple sweatshirt, light blue distressed jeans with oldschool vans. as soon as he walked out, he was met with a very sweaty and irritated taichi.

"what the fuck too you so long" shirabu rolled his eyes, sitting on his bed.

"you could've used the showers they have in the locker room."

"or maybe you don't have to take forever." he walked into the bathroom, getting ready.

shirabu huffed, rolling his eyes. taichi was a drama queen sometimes and it annoyed shirabu a lot but he knew taichi was just being a dick for the moment and that he would get over it,, like 5 minutes later.

he still didn't know where the volleyball team was going, so reluctantly he pulled out his phone, clicking on semi's name.

shirabu: where are we even going ?

semi-san: party at ushiwaka's house. do you need me to come get you ?

shirabu: no it's fine.

he closed his phone. his eyes wandered to the bathroom door, that just opened revealing a dressed taichi. he was wearing distressed jeans with a light blue hoodie and black crocs.


shirabu grumbled under his breath, walking outside. they'd been at the "get together" for at least an hour now and it was more so a party.

shirabu wasn't really into drinking so once everybody got drunk, he went outside. sitting on the porch he stared up at the sky.

"shirabu ? are you out here" he turned to see semi with a red solo cup in his hand. he took a seat next to the younger boy and stared straight ahead.

"why are you out here ?"

"tendou kept trying to make me dance and i was one second away from punching him." semi laughed, running a hand through his hair.

the two stayed in a comfortable silence, just either staring at the sky before them or stealing quick glances at each other.

shirabu enjoyed his warmth, his presence. he was never the type to let people in nor even fall in love with someone, but with semi, it felt so easy. but he was scared, he was scared of the heartbreak, rejection and most of all he was scared of losing someone special to him.

shirabu laid his head on the other's shoulder causing him to tense up.

"shira- ."

"shh semi, just shut up for once." semi snaked his arm around shirabu's waist pulling him closer.

"do you wanna go home ?" shirabu rolled his eyes, of course semi had to ruin the moment. he pulled away from the other boy's touch, immediately missing his warmth.

"i'll walk you." shirabu nodded and the two walked back to campus. the two stood in front of each other awkwardly.

"uhm, i'm pretty sure taichi is gonna stay with goshiki for the night so .. you can come in. it's too late to walk" semi nodded, waiting for shirabu to open the door.

once he did, semi walked in and plopped onto shirabu's bed, causing him to roll his eyes. "scoot over fattie." he plopped down right next to him.

shirabu heard light snores behind him, he shifted to face the boy, a small smile on his face. his whispered a quick goodnight before slipping off his pants and laying down, a few spaces away from semi.


- this was shitty & rushed (:
- ignore any mistakes.

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