Chapter Thirty-Six

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 "I feel like I'm forgetting something," Zelda grumbled, reviewing her list for the hundredth time. "Merlin, what am I forgetting?"

"This, perhaps," Avalon chuckled, holding out her roommate's wand.

"Oh," Zelda said with wide eyes as she took a hold of it and shoved it into her coat pocket. "Right."

Their dorm looked rather bare. Most of Zelda's things were neatly packed away into her two suitcases, leaving only the empty remnants of what would remain in the room over the month-long holiday. Avalon tried to bite down her quickly budding sense of dread for the lonely break that was to come, instead plastering on a smile as she watched her friend close her suitcase.

The day prior had been spent helping Zelda make sure that she wasn't forgetting any books, coats, shoes, scarves, or other necessities. Thankfully, when Avalon had returned from her night at the Slytherin dormitory, she had been greeted with an empty room. When Zelda eventually returned from her girlfriend's dorm, Avalon had already been given a chance to change out of her gown and clean up, sparing her from having to explain her night to her roommate.

She had tried not to think about the night she had spent with Riddle-- there was no need to dwell on the past... it was over. The mistake had been made and there was nothing she could do about it anymore. But, it was hard to not think about him when every time she closed her eyes, she was taken back to the feeling of his lips on her skin.

She hated it. She hated how she couldn't stop thinking about him, she hated how she kept blaming herself for how he had acted the next morning, and she hated how much it hurt to replay his words over and over in her head.

She hated herself for being so... weak.

Zelda's voice finally broke her out of her self-loathing thoughts. "Are you sure you don't want to come home with me for the holidays? I'm sure my family would be thrilled to meet you. I've written to them about you so many times, they'd be more than happy-"

"Don't you worry about me, I'll be fine here," Avalon smiled, cutting her off. "But, thank you for the offer. I'll miss you over the break."

"I'll make sure to write," Zelda promised. "I'll be back before you know it!"

"Can't wait," Avalon chimed in. She got off her bed and watched as her roommate tapped her wand onto her suitcases, levitating them behind her and making her way to the door, her luggage following close behind.

The two girls quickly scrambled to make it to the edge of the castle grounds where thestral-drawn carriages were lined up, boarding students and taking them to the Hogwarts Express. Everywhere they looked, there were countless students all piling into the carriages, smiling and waving to their friends and classmates as they left for the holiday break. The air was alive with the joy of the winter recess, but Avalon couldn't help but feel a pit of emptiness in her stomach as she watched her peers be drawn away from the castle in the comfort of their carriages.

"I'm going to miss you loads," Zelda pouted before outstretching her arms.

Avalon entered her embrace and gave her a tight hug. "It's only one month! I'll see you soon. Have the best break, alright?"

"You, too!" she smiled, releasing Avalon before flicking her wand towards a carriage and watching as her luggage piled in. Shortly after, she hopped in as well and joined a group of other Ravenclaws as they boarded the vessel. As the thestrals began pulling the cart forward, Zelda waved towards Avalon and called out, "See you in the new year, lovey!"

Avalon waved back, smiling and watching as her roommate's carriage was drawn further and further away until it became nothing more than a small speck in the distance. Afterward, she returned her attention to the remaining carriages, her eyes scanning the area for Orion.

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