Chapter Four

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Riddle sat on the armchair in the Slytherin common room, his fingers fidgeting with the ring on his finger as he stared at the space before him. Rosier was sitting on the couch to his side, muttering quiet incantations under his breath as he attempted to practice new spells he learned about through a seventh year Hufflepuff.

Tom didn't pay him much attention, his mind was too busy thinking about a million other things. Only one thing that mattered, though.

The weight of the diary sitting on his lap felt like a ton of lead, its presence nearly suffocating him as he rehearsed his plan for the night over and over again in his mind for the millionth time. He wasn't afraid. This was the second Horcrux he would be creating, the first being his ring. He knew what he was getting himself into, but he'd be lying to himself if he said he looked forward to the night that lay ahead.

"Alright, lads, how do I look?" Lestrange asked as he waltzed into the common room dressed in black from head to toe. He shoved a hand through his hair, looking at himself in the gilded mirror and grinning. "I already know I look good, but I'd love to hear you both agree."

"I'm still surprised she agreed to go with you," Rosier said, his eyes only barely flickering towards Lestrange.

"What can I say? I'm irresistible," Lestrange shrugged as he undid the top three buttons on his shirt. "That's better."

Tom heard the sound of heels clattering across the floor and he internally groaned as Nott's girlfriend stormed up to them.

"Where's Axel?" she asked, her shrill voice instantly giving him a headache as she impatiently tapped her foot. Her blonde hair was perfectly curled and she wore a brand new red dress that matched the color of her painted lips which were turned into an aggravated scowl.

"Well, hello to you, too, Greengrass," Lestrange said, rolling his eyes.

She opened her mouth to say something back but the sound of the entrance opening caused her to spin around and see Nott and Mulciber walk towards them, their Quidditch uniforms drenched in sweat. "There you are! You're 15 minutes late," she said, running to Nott.

Mulciber side-stepped just in time, dodging a collision with the petite blonde as she threw herself into her boyfriend's arms. Nott smiled down at her and kissed her nose before speaking. "I'm sorry, love. Tryouts ran long. I just have to clean up and get dressed and we can go, alright?"

It was hard for Tom to not show his distaste for the couple. Nott's greatest weakness was his love for the girl. He bent over backwards for her, even though she was insufferable to be around, and it would one day be his own downfall.

Love was a weapon used against the weak. Tom found himself gripping his diary even tighter as he watched the couple whisper sweet nothings into each others' ears, Rosalie biting her bottom lip to suppress her smile as Nott picked her up and spun her around.

"Where's Avery?" Rosier asked.

"He's helping one of the fourth years with some pointers to make the team," Mulciber replied.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Nott asked, shifting his attention to Lestrange.

"I'm giving the new Ravenclaw a tour of the castle," he said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"So you're taking her to the greenhouse like you do every other girl you want to bed?" Mulciber said, holding back a laugh.

"Why let go of a winning strategy?" Lestrange winked. "By the way, Rosier, make sure you're out of our room when I get back. Going to need some...privacy."

"There's no way she's going to fall for it," Rosier said.

"That's what you say every time, and yet, I never fail to surprise you, do I?"

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