Chapter Twenty-Six

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The elves had done a great job, Avalon thought to herself as she walked towards the Slytherin dormitories. In her hands was a tray topped with a large, round cake, frosted with a generous helping of dark chocolate and topped with a handful of emerald-green candles. When she had gone to the kitchens and asked Tossy and Bonsey if they could make a cake for Xavier's birthday, she hadn't expected that they'd even have time to accommodate her last-minute request. But, the two elves had dropped everything to make sure they were able to bake the perfect birthday cake, continuously telling Avalon that they were happy to help her because she was their friend. They had even given her a small, nicely wrapped parcel filled with plates, napkins, and utensils... truly, they had gone above and beyond.

She'd grown rather fond of the two of them. They reminded her of Dobby, and his memory filled her heart with a bittersweet joy and nostalgia.

So, as she walked towards her destination, a faint smile lingered on her lips. All-in-all, she was in a rather good mood that night. After working in the library with Zelda all day, she had completed most of her work, had spare time to get dressed up, and was ready to have a normal night. A normal, pleasant, happy night.

When she arrived at the entrance of the dormitory, she stated the password and made her way in, meeting the gaze of several younger Slytherins who were perched on the couches. None of them said anything as she made her way past them and towards Xavier's room, knowing better than to dare protest the presence of Lestrange's girlfriend.

She could hear a commotion from down the hall, the sound of laughter and cheering ringing through her ears the closer she got. With the cake balanced on one hand, she reached for the doorknob and turned it until the entrance swung open.

Inside, she was met with the image of Xavier and Adonis perched on Xavier's bed, while Rosalie sat atop Axel's lap with Demitri beside them on Adonis' bed. Orion was nearby, laughing the lingering joke from his place at the foot of the bedside trunk, and Tom was a little further away, leaning against the chair at Xavier's desk as he listened in on the conversation. The entire room smelled strongly of firewhiskey, a slew of half-drunk bottles scattered all throughout the room. There was a carefree and lighthearted feeling radiating throughout the room, laughter and smiles abundant as they unwound at the end of the week to the tune of a birthday celebration.

The sounds of their joy echoed so loudly through the room, that her presence went unnoticed for a moment until Orion's eyes landed on her and brightened at the sight. "Ava!" he exclaimed happily, scrambling to his feet as he made his way over and helped free her hands as he took the plates and utensils from her grasp and set them down on an empty desk.

Avalon was met with a chorus of elated greetings as she made her way over to where Xavier was sitting and placed the cake on the bedside table by him. He put a hand over his heart and smiled, though his eyes were hazy from the apparent alcohol already coursing through his system. "Darling, you didn't have to-"

"Happy birthday, Xavier," she smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap, stealing a kiss the first moment he could. His lips tasted of firewhiskey, though that wasn't too far out of the norm for him. She pulled away and laughed. "I would have said that to you earlier, but you decided not to show up to classes."

"Attending classes on one's birthday should be criminal," he said, rolling his eyes. "I gave myself the day off."

"I'm sure Dippet will understand when he gives you another day of detention," she said.

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