What's Next?

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Kat's Note:

Hey y'all it's Kat. Editor and chief Tom Riddle simp.  I want to thank you all for enjoying our story and creating such a wonderful little community of crazies that Daffy and I have found with all of you. When we started working on this story, I had just moved to New York alone and was starting graduate school in a new city and feeling very nervous and unsure and even a little lonely. All it took was a dark week on Dracotok followed by a joyous transition to Tomtok to reinvigorate my love for the stories and characters I fell in love with when I was 10 years old reading the HP books for the first time. When Daffy and I started Catharsis, all we wanted was a world where we could explore Tom's character and hopefully give him the justice and depth that a certain terf author never did. We never imagined that so many readers would find our work and follow along for the ride. The hours we spent on the phone and over Facetime planning out our plot, our characters, and all the wonderful little moments in our story are so dear to my heart. I can't tell you how many times I've nearly fallen asleep on the subway on my way to work because we stayed up so late getting lost in the story. I can't tell you how many lunch breaks I've spent reading all your amazing (and hilarious) comments on our chapters. And I can't begin to tell you how un-lonely you've all made me feel. Trust that this is not the last you'll read from Daffy and I, but she'll tell you more about that in a second. For now, one final thank you from me, and I hope you'll continue to read and enjoy our interpretations of everyone's favorite dark-haired psychopath :))))

Xoxo, Kat

Daffy's Note:

Hi, everyone! Daffy here! I just wanted to thank you all so much for all the love and support that you have all shown Catharsis over the past few months. When Kat and I first thought "hey, should we write a Tom Riddle fic?" not only did we fully not expect to stick to it and actually finish the story, we also never in a million years expected the amazing amount of love and support that the book received. We are so infinitely grateful for everything you have all done for us. Writing this story and telling Avalon and Tom's journey has been such an incredible time and we are so happy that you all loved reading it as much as we loved writing it.

I have always loved to write and that love was unfortunately fading away due to the stress of work, school, and the pandemic, and I'm so grateful that you have all helped me revitalize that joy. I can't wait to keep writing for all of you as time goes on.

That being said, I'm sure many of you are wondering, well, "now what?"

Well, buckle up, folks, because there's a LOT of information about to come your way!

First of all, I said this previously, but if you're not already following this account, please make sure to do so if you are interested in our future works! You won't get notifications about them unless you are, so it is likely you will miss them!

I'm so excited to tell you all that I am writing an  original book! Some of you may have read the first few chapters when I posted them on here as "Anarchy" but I'm so hyped to share it with y'all soon! I'm going to try and write it within the next few months and then go into the process of getting it traditionally published so that I can share it with all of you! It's going to be the first story in a series and it is set in an original fantasy world filled with our favorite types of morally gray, dark, brooding villains and strong, female leads. I literally am through the roof excited to share more with y'all as time goes on! 

Additionally, I have received several messages about printing Catharsis. For personal reasons, I'm not comfortable with Catharsis being printed and taken off wattpad into the real world. I'm so grateful so many of you loved the story enough to want physical copies but please respect my wishes and just continue to enjoy it on wattpad. I appreciate the understanding and love you all very much!

    Wow... it feels crazy to type out my final author's note for this story but once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything. I am so grateful for each and every one of you. I know that many of you have found a community through the comments of this story and I hope that those friendships remain even after the story has completed. And if you ever need someone to talk to, no matter what the case may be, my inbox is always open and I will always lend an ear! Sending you all love, as always.

Until next time, xoxo Daffy.

Catharsis [Tom Riddle]Where stories live. Discover now