Chapter 9

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I owe you a lot henceforth I want to make you owe me a lot, love me a lot

"Dane, don't do this if you run away now there is no way I can defend you" Haar delivered his lines with the utmost severity.

"Who said I need you to defend me? I didn't do any wrong. There is no need for any defence in the first place" Yoren's expression was on point.

"You aren't understanding the situation, it is too dangerous, you could lose your life" Haar's eyes became red and teared up.

"When did you start caring about me so much? weren't you one of them? back then you never believed me too" Yoren's face burned hot there is only a few inches of gap between them.

"If you think like that then I have got no more to say, from today onwards I am gonna be one of them and hunt you down then"

cut! shot okay!

Director Well's face lit up like a Christmas tree. The entire crew were astonished at the impeccable chemistry between Haar and Yoren. They just gave life to Dane and Lovel. It is as if the characters are them and they are the characters.

Tiera side-eyed annoyingly that a rookie actor had a wider acting range than she could ever have. She felt threatened all of a sudden.

"Do you two know each other personally?" one of the AD's asked out of curiosity.

"You could say so just a couple of months, we first met when we auditioned" Haar answered politely.

"What? just a couple of months? you looked like you have known each other for your entire lives, nevertheless, Well is very happy with your performance, keep it up the same for future sequences as well."

Haar was so happy that he is kicking in joy by the time they both reached his apartment.

"Everyone liked our performance so much today, you looked like a total pro today," Haar told honestly while kneading the dough.

"All the credits to you. It's you who made me what I am today" Yoren came from behind and hugged him tightly tilting his head on Haar's shoulder. Haar's hearbeat increased.

"It is you who did everything all I offered is a few words of encouragement" Haar said trying not to concentrate on his burning cheeks and rapid heartbeat.

"Those few words are the world to me" a wave of emotions passed across Yoren's face as he tightened the hug.

"We will be late for the play let's finish dinner fast" Haar tactically with drew from Yoren's grip. If they stay like that for a few more minutes Haar would be embarrassed for life.

Haar's face filled with an extreme joy as his eyes stuck to the stage of "Dreams and Ducks" play. Yoren never saw him so excited for something before. He doesn't look like a mature Haar knew, he looked like a little kid.

"Thankyou very much for getting the tickets, I really loved it" Haar spoke sincerely as they are exiting the hall.

"There is no need for thanks between us" Yoren looked straight into Haar's eyes. Haar's heartbeat increased at his burning gaze.

"Just cook for me for eternity that will do" Yoren  ran teasingly.

"You...little...brat..stop there.." Haar went after Yoren.

All of a sudden he bumped into someone who come in between them across the hallway.

"Sorry..." Haar started to apologise flustered. All of a sudden the simile on his face frozen realising whom he had just bumped into.

"Haar!" the other party cried in awe. "" her looks shifted between Haar and Yoren.

"Of course Dreams and Ducks is your favourite play, no wonder I bumped into you here" she faked a smile as her eyes turned to Yoren with whom Haar looked very playful just a while ago.

Haar was out of his wits. His brain froze and he doesn't know anymore what to say looking at the woman in front of him whom he hadn't seen in years. Whom he had been so close for years in the past.

"How are you doing?" I am so happy to see you here" she grabbed Haar's hand excitedly.

A wave of inexplicable fury washed over Yoren all of a sudden.

Haar felt very nauseous as if he is being suffocated by this dark help less past. A past where shadows and light clashed in an endless struggle.

Suddenly he heard a familiar voice from behind "Tash...the parking lot..."

"We...we have some other plans, let's catch up some other time" Haar set himself free from her lightening fast.

"Let's go we will be late" Haar grabbed Yoren's hand tightly as his life depended on it.

Yoren was so perplexed with the events that just unfolded before his eyes. Who is she? Who was the man calling her? One thing he is sure is whoever they are Haar definitely didn't find it pleasant to see her today.

After walking out of the hall frantically, Haar and Yoren settled down in a pub.

Though many questions in his mind, Yoren let Haar silently do whatever he wanted to do. Haar gulped down a bottle of whiskey in a whim. To say he's drunk is an understatement.

Intoxicated completely he uttered two things "Natasha....Kai.." as tears rolled down his cheeks.


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