Chapter 2

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"You are still a boy, don't let the world take that away from you. Don't try hard to be a man already. Enjoy it slowly as much as you can. Be true to your heart and do what you love to do and you will definitely find success one day".


"I feel like I have been scammed somehow. I mean it's not the first time it happened. But still, which gutter did the cold aloof aura dissolve in? Which door did the reserved personality leave from? If we talk in terms of the script, it's 360-degree character development. No, no wait it's a fucking totally different character!!!! To be honest with you Games, they are all still there but just not with me. He still has that ice-cold I ain't got no time for your bullshit face for everyone else except me. That kid stuck like glue to me now. What sin did I commit to deserve that annoying brat? Which woman did I wrong in my previous life to put up with that whiny teenager? " Haar felt a hairy brush across his chest which tickled him a little as his arms are wet getting licked by the beast in his room. It was his adorable dog 'Games'.

As Haar is busy venting out about the new disaster in his life to his pet dog Games, a knock on the door alerted both the parties. Games started to growl happily and sprinted towards the door.

"Games" the man with small sharp eyes and adorable smile greeted Games by giving him pats and belly rubs.

"Don't you have a house? Why are you always here?" Haar said annoyed but not really annoyed.

"You said I can come here anytime" Yoren talked cutely to Games as if he isn't paying attention to Haar.

That! that was my mistake. That cold aloof chic aura he experienced when he met Yoren for the first time disappeared faster than the vapor escaped from the hot tea after that day. He became another clingy, needy, whiny, furious lovesick puppy-like Games.

"Senior, pancakes" Yoren ordered as if he in a restaurant.

"This is night 9, pancakes are for breakfast" Haar was quick to dismiss.

Yoren pulled out his dejected, broken, fragile pouty face that Haar couldn't say no to.

"Alright alright, I will make it" Haar turned to the kitchen as Games and Yoren followed him.

He cursed under his breath as he mixed the batter while his mind took a journey down to two months ago when they first met.


That day at the pub, they both didn't get to kiss as there was a sudden police inspection because the pub was serving some underage people. It was a mess and definitely not the time or the place for them to kiss....rehearse the kiss.

The next day at the audition they changed the scene to some action sequence much to Haar's content. They both got the role! That day Haar invited Yoren to his home for dinner to celebrate their success.

"What do you want to eat?" Haar asked Yoren who is observing the small cozy apartment with an adorable furry beast on the couch.

"Games" Haar introduced Games to Yoren and immediately Games jumped at Yoren and licked him from top to bottom.

"Games like you already" Haar shook his head smiling "You must be very special because Games usually doesn't go to strangers that often, he is a rescue dog."

"Why Games," Yoren spoke for the first time since he entered the apartment.

"Nothing special, when I found him at the construction site I worked he liked to play games, so Games"

Haar did many odd jobs before he started acting. He was from a small countryside and lost his parents when he was ten. After his parents are gone his relatives took him in but as everyone knows how that would end up. He quickly understood that he is alone in this world now and he has to take care of himself. He had to sell their parent's house and with the money, he moved to the capital by 14. He finished his high school study on his own and opened a small business within five years. Things looked good for Haar but that didn't last long either as one of his friends scammed him leaving him homeless overnight.

By luck, he entered the entertainment industry. But the luck didn't prevail that long as most of his acting projects were dropped or not released or were a flop. The company had to bear him because of the contract and they couldn't be more than happy to finally get rid of him after this tenure. If Haar could manage to work out a miracle they might consider renewing his contract. Though he wasn't paid much by the company it was enough for him to live an okay lifestyle, if it's gone he is sure to hit the streets again considering the expensive lifestyle in the capital.

"The food is amazing. I haven't had a home meal in many years" Yoren's face is full of gratefulness and content.

"You can come here anytime, I will make anything you like" Haar smiled. Haar liked to cook for people especially going through utter poverty and homelessness he knows the value of food and companionship more than anyone.


"Aren't you excited we finally are going to start filming soon?" Haar poured the batter and spread the mix gently with a spatula.

The casting was confirmed for the show Haar and Yoren are going to be in 'Detectives on the block (DOB)' but it took two months for the filming to start. Within these two months, Yoren and Haar became close.

"Not really, my whole first schedule is with FL" Yoren rolled his eyes.

"Isn't that a good thing? However you see it Tiara Yen is much experienced than you, you can learn a lot of things from her" Haar encouraged.

"But I want to act with Senior" Yoren shot his puppy smile and suddenly Haar's heart skipped a beat.

"Isn't it fun to act the Nemesis turned lovers characters? Such a waste they cut off the intimate scenes" Yoren continued teasing Haar.

Hearing those words, Haar sweated profusely definitely not from the heat from cooking.

"But it doesn't change the fact we are for each other right?" Yoren shot his puppy smile again.

Did you practice your dialogues for your first schedule on Monday?" Haar inquired to coverup his flustered self.

"I don't have many lines for the first schedule, it's just some action sequences"

"I see, I have some scenes with the ML. Help me practice the dialogues after the dinner"

"Thirteen" Yoren rolled his eyes.

"What thirteen?"

"You have already practiced those lines for twelve times, this would be the thirteenth time. They don't even pay you that much"

"Regardless of that I shall work hard and be truthful to myself. I cannot sleep well if I am not giving my best. Besides, you know that"

"I know I know your contract, why don't you just open your own studio or something?"

"I am going be homeless soon and you are in the mood for jokes" Haar flared.

"Of course not you can stay at my place if you really become homeless" Yoren smiled.

"Do you even have a house? You are always here"

"Then, why don't you visit my place sometime?" Haar felt a whisper too close to his ears that they turned red.

He tried to ignore the stranger who is invading his space and concentrated on flipping the pancakes which were thoroughly burnt. "Aye! See what did you do?" Haar sighed.

"Me? You are the one cooking, how is it my fault now?" Yoren strikes back.

"Alright alright, I'll make another batch" Haar wondered why is he even keeping up with this brat so long. All he knows is his heart goes soft for him for some reason.


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