Chapter 7

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Beep beep beep

What was that beeping Delilah thought? Knight must have left an alarm on, hopefully, he turns it off soon.

Keeping her eyes closed she started to drift back to sleep when a voice interrupted her.

"Why isn't she waking up? You said she would be okay!" The voice sounded like Knights but he sounded really worried.

"Sometimes these things take time. She will wake up soon, just be patient." This was said by a male voice Delilah didn't recognize.

"Patient! How the fuck do you want me to be patient when my girl is unconscious!" That was definitely Knight's voice Delilah decided. He was clearly distressed and Delilah struggled to open her eyes so she could comfort him.

When her eyes fluttered open she immediately shit them again as she was blinded by the bright lights. "T-too b-bright" her voice came out quiet and raspy.

"Delilah! Baby are you awake? Open your eyes for me angel, I know it's hard but I need to see those beautiful eyes." Knight encouraged her stroking her arm and praying she would open her eyes. Finally, her eyes slowly opened and she looked around. There were four people in the room three she didn't recognize and then there was Knight who sat in a chair beside her holding her hand.

"H-hi," she said not knowing what happened and why everyone was looking at her. Knight smiled at her brightly. "Hey baby, how are you feeling? Does anything hurt? Do you need some water? Doc come look at her! Is she okay?" Knight rushed out.

"Knight bud, the doctor already said she is fine and calm down let the poor girl wake up." The woman she didn't know spoke. "Sorry, mom, sorry angel you just scared me. Never do that again." So that woman was his mom. 'I hope that doesn't mean Knight is going to kick me out cause his parents are home' Delilah thought.

"Do what exactly? I don't really remember anything after waking up last night and having a hard time breathing." Delilah questioned still a little confused as to how she got here. "Hard time breathing? Fu-sorry jeez baby you stopped breathing I brought you here and you were unconscious from a lack of oxygen. Your lungs were filled with fluid and you were basically drowning when that quack of a doctor told us you were fine yesterday. But don't worry I'm working on getting him fudging fired and getting his license taken away. I almost lost you baby and I just found you." Knight said kissing the side of her head.

"N-no d-don't let the doctor l-lose his job he just m-made a mistake," Delilah argued worried for the doctor. It was then the other person who she assumed was a doctor because of his lab coat spoke up. "I have to agree with Knight here Delilah any doctor should have been able to identify your problem by simply listening to you breathe. The good news is Knight got you here just in time. Now that you are awake I will find someone to put together discharge papers. Just remember to get lots of rest and do not exert yourself especially for a few days as you will find your lungs will tire out easily."

"Okay thank you," Delilah said as the doctor made his way out of the room.

Suddenly the person she assumed was Knight's mom began speaking "Oh dear I just realized we never introduced ourselves how rude of us. I'm Sophie Knight's mom and this is Tom my husband and Knight's father."

"N-nice to meet you," Delilah said with a small smile. "Oh, the pleasure is all ours, my dear. Knight, you must keep this one she is adorable." Delilah's face went bright red while Knight smiled with pride. "That's the plan mom." 

"yes it was lovely to meet you dear, but Sophie and I must go. Apparently, there is a doctor that needs to lose his license for almost killing my future daughter-in-law." Knight's dad winked at her and then Sophie and Tom left the room. 

"See I knew my parents would love you. Now seriously baby how are you feeling? You need to tell me immediately if something hurts or even if you just feel a tickle in your throat okay?" Knight said with a serious look on his face. 

"O-okay, b-but I'm fine. I j-just want to go home." Delilah replied exhausted from everything that has happened but when she looked up at Knight he had a huge smile on his face. "You just called our place home." Delilah started to panic at what Knight had pointed out. Gosh she is so stupid she has barely lived there for a week and she just called his house home, he probably thinks she's crazy. "No! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it. I-it just slipped out but I-I understand if you think I-I'm clingy or weird a-and want me to move out." Delilah ranted quickly. 

"What? No baby I love that you think of our place as your home because it is. I was just excited that you were starting to think that way. If I had it my way I would have a ring on your finger and a baby in your belly before the end of the week. But I know that you're my precious innocent baby so I need to take it slow." Delilah was shocked by what Knight said, he must have been exaggerating he can't possibly want to marry her. He is probably just being nice. 

"Oh okay," Delilah couldn't think of anything else to say in response. Knight just chuckled and kissed her forehead. "You are so adorable. Know come on let's get you home." 


Knight had gone to get Delilah a glass of water after giving her strict orders not to leave their bed. Their bed. Knight had never felt such sweet torture as having Delilah sleep in his arms. It had been so hard to restrain himself the last week from kissing her when her soft little body was pressed up against him all Knight, but he knew his girl wasn't ready for anything like that yet. He would wait for eternity as long as he could stay by her side. 

When he walked back into the room she was fast asleep. He was glad she was resting after that whole ordeal. He had never been that scared in his entire life, he couldn't believe how attached he had become to the little angel. His entire life his dad had told him about the 'Silverman curse'. As a kid he thought his dad was exaggerating the story of how he met his mom, his dad would tell him that he knew immediately that his mom was the one. Apparently, his mom was in a similar situation to his angel, although he has still yet to get all the details of Delilah's past, long story short his dad swooped in and had his mom move into his house three days after meeting their freshman year of college. It wasn't until he laid eyes on Delilah that he believed every word his dad said, it really was love at first sight. 

He was thankful Delilah hasn't fought him too much on his protective behavior. He knew he was acting crazy but the thought of something happening to her terrified him. He had never felt this strongly about anything before Delilah, it was like the moment he laid eyes on her his entire world changed. Every future goal he had suddenly included her, and he knew he would never leave her side.

Knight set the glass of water down on the table and got into bed, all he wanted to do was hold Delilah and assure himself that she was still breathing. She began to stir when he pulled her into his arms. 

"Hi," she said shyly smiling at him. "Hi, baby, sorry I didn't mean to wake you up," Knight replied kissing her head. "Now go back to sleep you had a long day and you need your rest to help you get better." Delilah nodded snuggling into Knight. "Ya, and we have school tomorrow." She reminded him. Knight pulled away so he could look Delilah in the face. "You my love are not going to school tomorrow." It was now Delilah's turn to pull away. "What do you mean? It's Monday we have to go to school." 

"No, you have to stay home and recover and I have to be at your beck and call to make sure you don't have to leave this bed." Then without giving her a chance to argue back Knight turned off the bedside lamp and pulled her into his chest. "Goodnight angel" 

"Goodnight Knight" 

A/N: Heyyy all you beautiful people who are reading this story. I feel like it is time that I finally say hi. First of all, thank you to everyone who has read and voted on my story I still can't believe some people actually like it. I have to be honest I only started writing this story because I couldn't find a new book to read so I decided to just write down the kind of book I wanted to read, I never expected it to turn into a real story. So that being said any and all tips or suggestions are welcomed, even ideas for what you want to happen in the story let me know! 

Have a great day/night :)))))

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