Chapter 20

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A/N: Yes it's me! I'm alive! So sorry it's been so long I got back in June from a couple months abroad and then immediately got mono and was down and out for a few weeks but I am back and will try my best to get this story back up and going. Hope you enjoy.

Delilah was washing her hands when the door to the bathroom burst open again.

"You can't keep coming in here! You're gonna get in trouble." Delilah said grabbing some paper towel to dry her hands.

"Hey I gave you fair warning, I said I'd give you a minute and I did." Knight replied grabbing the backpack at her feet and swinging it over his shoulder.

"Yeah well you try shoving a tampon inside you and cleaning up in less than sixty seconds." Delilah responded feeling grouchy.

"Okay, you're right I'm sorry. I just worry about you." Knight said pulling her into a hug.

"No I'm sorry I'm being so mean right now, I just feel all gross and yucky." She said into his chest.

"I know baby, but we'll get you some stuff at the store and then I'll get you all nice and cozy at home okay?" Knight said leading her out of the bathroom.

"You're being kind of crazy, am I supposed to just take a day off every month? That doesn't seem realistic." Delilah said.

"It is completely realistic because that's what you'll be doing. I will not watch you struggle through a day of school in pain ever." His face was stern enough that Delilah knew he wasn't going to budge on this right now so she gave up and allowed him to lead her down the hall with Max and Dean trailing behind.

As they got into the car the boys started discussing who would go into the store and who would stay in the car with Delilah. Her facing already burning at the thought of Max or Dean picking out stuff for her period Delilah decided it was best to close her eyes and take a much wanted nap.

"Hey sweetheart, I'm sorry but you need to wake up for a little bit now."

Delilah felt herself being jostled and Knight speaking to her softly. She let out a groan when she felt another cramp in her tummy.

"I know baby I promise you can go right back to sleep but you haven't eaten anything today so I need you to eat some lunch first. I was doing some reading online and it said yogurt and fruit is good for people on their periods and I also got you some dark chocolate." Knight said sitting her up in the bed and putting a tray on her lap.

"Thank you, this looks yummy" Delilah responded digging right into the yogurt. The sweetness making her feel better already.

"You're welcome baby, how about I put on a movie and then go reheat your hot water bottle." Knight said grabbing the bottle and remote.

Feeling her eyes begin to tear up at how sweet and caring he was Delilah tried to blink back her tears before Knight noticed but of course he did right away.

"Woah! What's wrong? Is the pain getting worse? You just had some meds an hour ago but I'll call the doctor and see if you can take something else." Knight made a turn to go and presumably get his phone but Delilah reached out to stop him.

"No I'm sorry, I'm fine. I just got a little overwhelmed at how sweet you're being. I've never had anyone care about me this much." She said with a sniffle.

Knight cupped her face between his hands and wiped a stray tear with his thumb.

"Delilah you are the most important and special person in my world. I will do anything for you and will always make it my number one priority to make sure you're always safe, happy and cared for. Now finish your lunch while I go heat this up." He kissed her forehead then left the bedroom while Delilah settled back in to eat her lunch and watch the movie Knight put on.


Knight was in the kitchen heating up the hot water bottle when his phone rang.

"Hey Leo, get anything from the info Shaw's nephew shared?" Knight asked getting right to the point.

"I have good news and bad news, good news is Carlton wasn't able to give his uncle any specific details about where Delilah is now he only said he had her at his house." Leo responded.

"And the bad news?" Knight prompted impatiently.

"Word on the street Shaw is still on his way to town looking for your girl. We have Carlton at one of our facilities and with him MIA Shaw's getting suspicious. Apparently he's offering a reward for anyone who finds Delilah for him and with the amount of people who could have seen her at the party I'm not liking our chances of everyone staying quiet." His cousin responded confirming Knights worst nightmare.

"Fuck. Shit. I never should have let her out of my sight. God Leo this fucker can't get within 1000 feet of Delilah or I will loose my goddamn mind." Knight ranted pacing back and forth in his kitchen. "Fuck it, I'm taking her away. I'll get the jet and take her to our place in Barbados until you can get this guy off the streets, preferably into the ground instead." Knight growled out already planning what he needed to do so they can leave as soon as possible.

"Listen it's up to you but I think I have a plan that will get your girl safe much faster." Leo said.

"What is it? I'll do anything." Knight replied.

"We set a little trap. Have Carlton call his uncle and say he had a little trouble but was able to escape with Delilah and the two of them are hiding out. We can have the place covered so when Shaw shows up we take him out." Leo explained his idea.

"There's no way Shaw will believe Carlton still has Delilah after this long of radio silence. He'd know it was a trap when Carlton can't show he's with her." Knight reasoned wondering how his cousin hadn't thought of this already, he was supposed to be the professional. There was no way Leo could possibly believe that his plan would work with Delilah being in Barbados while this goes down, unless ... oh hell no.

"Wait a second, are you actually suggesting we use Delilah as fucking bait?! You're out of your fucking mind if you think I would let her be in danger like that. Not a chance in the world!" He couldn't believe his cousin could actually suggest this.

"Knight listen to me, this might be our only chance to make sure we get Shaw. We would have the whole place surrounded and people hidden inside so she wouldn't really be alone with Carlton." Leo tried to explain.

"No, absolutely not. We are going to Barbados day after tomorrow and we will come back when you have Shaw. You need to figure out another way to do that." Knight said firmly.

"Okay, I get. We will do everything we can here, enjoy your vacation with your hot girlfriend you asshole." Leo joked

"Hey don't call her hot dickhead, she's mine." With that Knight hung up wanting to get back to his girl so he can start packing their bags. Hope his baby likes the sunshine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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