Chapter 17

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A/N As always I am sorry this took so long and it is definitely unedited so read at your own risk. Hope you enjoy! 😊 

"So, Knight said this is your first time going to a spa?" Sophie asked as the car pulled into the spa parking lot.

"y-yeah I didn't get to do a lot of things growing up, so I don't really know what to expect." Delilah replied nervous about going somewhere new. She had experienced so much in the short time she has known Knight, she would never be able to repay him for what he has given her.

"Oh don't worry hunny, you're going to love it! Especially this place, my husband thinks he pulled one over on me by buying this spa and secretly clearing it out every time I go. I thought about calling him out on it but decided not to." Sophie then looked around and lowered her voice. "I'll let you in on a little secret,  with our men you have to let them think they are in charge sometimes but never forget you hold all the power. Even though it's ridiculous to have a spa all to myself, if the cost of my husbands sanity is a spa of people waiting on just me hand and foot I won't complain." When she gave Delilah a wink she couldn't help but break out in giggles with Sophie joining in.

They walked into the salon doors with Tom and Hank, who Delilah had been introduced to in the car following them. Delilah looked around in awe of how nice the place looked, the colours were neutral and calming but the air smelled like lavender and their was relaxing music playing softly from speakers she couldn't see.

"Hello Mrs. Silverman," The woman at the desk greeted as they approached. "what can I do for you and your guest today? We are having an unusually slow day so you will have all of the facilities to yourself." Delilah and Sophie looked at each other and laughed again.

"Well look at that, I really must be the luckiest person in the world." Sophie said with a laugh again. "This is Delilah and she's never been to a spa before so we want the works, I'm thinking we can start with the sauna then massages, hair and finish up with mani-pedis?" Sophie questioned despite knowing she wouldn't be turned down.

"That sounds wonderful Mrs. Silverman, if you follow me to the back I will grab you some robes for the sauna." The girls followed the woman to the back while Tom and Hank stood post at the door.

"Here are your robes, and the sauna is just to your left. Take as much time as you need and let me know when you are ready for your messages and I will grab Linda and Quinn and lead you to your rooms."

"Thank you so much Sarah, we will let you know when we are ready." Sophie said with a smile as the woman left to go back up front.

"You can go into one of the change rooms there on the right to get into your robe hunny and I'll meet you back here in a minute." Sophie said as she entered a change room herself.


Knight checked his phone for the 50th time during their 15 minute car ride to the warehouse Leo had told them to come to. He pulled up the link his Father had sent him of the spa's surveillance videos and watched as his Angel and Mother talked. He was relieved to see the smile on Delilah's face as the two of them chatted in the sauna, he was worried that the trauma of last night would catch up to her but he should have known his mom would take good care of her.

"Why am I not surprised that not only do you have body guards following her and her phone tracked but you also have cameras on her too." Eva spoke obviously having seen what Knight was looking at from her spot in the backseat.

"I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe, I failed that job last night and I will do everything to make sure it doesn't happen again." Knight spoke seriously before realizing what else she said. "Wait, how did you know I have her phone tracked?" Knight panicked thinking Delilah had found out and would think he was crazy.

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