Chapter 8

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"Knight I have to go back to school."

"No, you don't, you need to rest. The doctor said you need lots of rest."

"I've been resting for a whole week! I'm fine now. I haven't even coughed all weekend."

This is the third time Delilah has tried to get Knight to let her go back to school. It was Sunday night exactly one week from when she returned from the hospital and she couldn't be stuck inside anymore. In fact aside from yesterday where she literally ran away into the kitchen, she hadn't even left Knight's bedroom.

She knew he was worried but he was becoming crazy. He won't even let her go to the bathroom or shower by herself. She finally got him to agree to wait outside the bathroom but he made her keep the door cracked open and she had to talk to him the whole time so he knew she was okay.

At first, it was sweet how protective he was and it still is but it's also getting to be too much, she had to go back to normal at some point. Based on how far her arguments had gotten her all day she knew she needed a different tactic. Suddenly she got an idea. With all her might she thought of the saddest things she could think of until a tear formed in her eye. She then looked up at Knight with the saddest face she could muster.

"B-but I'll start t-to fall b-behind and t-then I w-won't pass my c-classes. And if I fail my classes then I c-can't graduate and if I-I can't g-graduate t-then I c-can't get a j-job and if I-I can't d-do that t-then I-I'll be homeless and die!"

"No baby! Shhh, calm down! I wouldn't let any of that happen to you!"

Seeing him start to give she let a tear fall down her face and gave the most pathetic sniffle ever.

"Okay! Okay! You can go to school just don't cry! It breaks my heart." Knight said pulling her into a hug.

Delilah broke out into a huge smile and the tears were gone immediately.

"Yay! Thank you!" She said pulling away from Knight and dancing a little from her spot on the bed.

"Wait, no. You tricked me!" Knight said his face clearly shocked.

"You can't take it back now." She said quickly before he could try and say she couldn't go again. Knight just sighed while shaking his head.

"Fine but if you are going to go we are doing it my way. If you don't agree with my rules you can't go at all. Okay?"

"Yes," Delilah replied not caring what the rules might be as long as she could leave this room.


Knight sighed again as he looked at his precious little angel almost bouncing with excitement from the passenger seat. He still can't believe this precious little creature tricked him into letting her go back to school.

He knew he was being a little bit over the top but the idea of anything happening to her drives him mad. He refuses to go through what he felt when she was in the hospital again. It might not be logical but he felt that as long as she was within his sights and in their bed, nothing bad could happen.

He had just pulled into a parking space and Delilah was about to jump out when he put a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Wait for me to help you out, please. I don't want you to fall getting out." Knight then got out of the car and walked around to her side opening the door. He grabbed both of the bags then grabbed her hips.

"Repeat the rules to me one more time." Knight had gone over the rules with her 5 times this morning already but he just wanted to make sure.

Delilah rolled her eyes but recited the rules anyways.

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