Chapter 12

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"So Goldie, how's that man of yours?"

Delilah immediately lit up with a smile at the thought of Knight. He was the sweetest person she had ever met. Even though she hadn't met that many people she was convinced he was still the best one.

"He's my boyfriend now!" She exclaimed happily. "He said that a boyfriend is someone you have a special connection with who wants to protect you and keep you safe!"

Delilah and Knight had come home from the mall a few hours ago and Knight had just finished setting up her phone. Delilah was so excited to be making her first phone call. Knight had barely finished explaining how to use it before she was grabbing Eva's number from her bag and calling her friend.

"Of course that's how he'd explain it." Eva answered in a seemingly bored tone. "But good for you Goldie, glad you're happy. Just make sure he knows that if he hurts you will kick his ass."

Delilah giggled at Eva's last comment. "He's not going to hurt me silly. He's the best boyfriend in the whole entire world. He's amazing."

"Damn, the sex must be off the charts if you're hyping the guy up this much." Eva scoffed at the almost awe struck tone Delilah used when describing Knight.

"What's sex?" Delilah asked trying to remember if she had ever heard the word before. She vaguely remembers the word being used by some of the men that he dad used to bring to her, but she never figured out what it was.

"Oh my sweet innocent child. You should ask your boyfriend I'm sure he would love to tell you." Eva replied laughing at how Knight would explain that one.

"Why won't you tell me? Is it a secret? Is it bad?" Delilah questioned confused as to why her friend wouldn't just tell her.

"No it's not bad. In fact if you find the right partner it could be the best thing in the world. I'm not gonna explain all the details to you because I don't think your boyfriend would want me to be the one to corrupt you. But I will tell you that it's something that two people who really like each other do either for fun or because they are in love. There are some people who think you should only do it with your boyfriend, girlfriend or partner but it can be with anyone really." Eva explained.

"So because Knight is my boyfriend I should do it with him?" Delilah asked not really sure that she understands.

"You know what I have a great idea Goldie, why don't you go ask you boyfriend these exact questions and share his answers with me on Monday."

"Okay that's a good idea. I should actually go find him now we've been on the phone for a while now." Delilah said getting up and starting to look for Knight.

"Okay Goldie, see you around."

"Bye!" Delilah replied then hung up the phone.


Knight left there room as soon as Delilah called her friend to make a call of his own. While they were out he had got a text from his cousin saying to call him ASAP.

He walked into his dads office before dialling his cousins number. Leo picked up after the first ring and started talking before Knight could even say a word.

"Knight I'm gonna tell you some shit but I need to know that you aren't going to go postal. I'll tell you what I found then you're gonna go hug that poor girl or yours for the shit she's been through well me and my boys put together a plan."

Knight immediately filled with dread. He knew it was bad but if his cousin is using a serious tone he knew whatever he was gonna say was gonna be worse then Knight was expecting.

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