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"Since the day of my birth, my death began its walk.
It is walking towards me- without hurrying"



Ever the loyal daughter, Anastasia Black is focused on pleasing her parents and holding the together the crumbling relationship between her brothers. At first, she does not think the scarred and quiet Remus Lupin will put a rut into these plans. That is, until she stumbles upon him bleeding and broken in the infirmary.

She doesn't know why he shows up once a month looking like he's gone through hell, but by healing him, she finds herself falling for someone her family would never approve of.

As her brother Regulus is brought into dark magic, and her future seems to be already written into the Black family archives, Anastasia has to make a decision: to guide Regulus from his dark path or to leave it all behind in hopes of a happier life.


not very consistent


Content Warning: General abuse, general prejudice/ hate speech, both implied and briefly described sexual violence, suicidal thoughts, language, and disordered eating.
- May be updated or changed at any time.

Hateful/ prejudiced views expressed by characters do not represent the views of the author. Also f@ck J.K Rowling.

A long read and definitely a slow burn. Very focused on Anastasia's life outside of Remus rather than just her love life. Dives a little deeper into pureblood culture than what is presented in canon. This fic will get dark, so please know your limits as to what is healthy for you to read. Only some of the more heavy chapters will have warnings- we are dealing with Walburga and Orion Black here, so expect prevalent themes of abuse.

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