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Anastasia walked down the pathway to care of magical creatures, her robes billowing out in the wind behind her

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Anastasia walked down the pathway to care of magical creatures, her robes billowing out in the wind behind her. Eddie, who was taking the class as an easy O, trudged behind her, half asleep.

Professor Kettleburn had requested that the class meet at dawn on a Saturday for a surprise. Ana was particularly excited, compared to her classmates who were in various states of drowsiness. This was her favorite class, alongside Herbology. And a happy surprise would be well welcome after all the chaos over the past few months.

Her and Eddie were among the first students gathered in the small clearing just inside the forest. He nodded along as she prattled on about what today's lesson could be. She noticed that he wasn't paying her any mind, but continued talking anyways.

More and more students filled the clearing, until Kettleburn himself arrived, adjusting his eyepatch. He wore a cheery smile.

"Ready, kids?"

They followed him deeper into the forest, some getting nervous at the sounds that cascaded around the tree tops. Anastasia held onto Eddie's arm with a slight smile. The forest didn't scare her.

Kettleburn stopped once he stepped foot in a small meadow. The grass was tall- it went up to Anastasia's knees. Patches of flowers all of different colors were littered around the meadow. For the beginning of February, it was a nice, warm day. Most of the snow had melted around the castle, save for some pockets in the shade.

The professor turned around and put a finger over his mouth in a 'be quiet' symbol. He then beckoned the students through the meadow. Even those who were tired and reluctant to come were curious.

Once the group was halfway through the meadow, they stopped. They stood in silence for a moment, waiting for something to happen.

Then, very discreetly, three white forms emerged through the forest and trotted towards the group. Ana's eyes brightened as she realized what the creatures were.


She had read about them, of course. She knew all their eating habits and medicinal uses by heart. It had been a dream of hers to see one in person, and here they were.

She clutched Eddie's arm with one hand and threw the other over her mouth in shock. His mouth was agape.

"Now, we've done research on unicorns. We all know they like women more than men, correct?" The class nodded eagerly. "Now which of you young ladies would like to go first?"

Eddie lightly pushed Anastasia forward. Kettleburn smiled at her. "I knew it would be you, Miss Black."

He guided her closer to the unicorns. Now that she was closer, she could see that there were two adults with snow white hair and a baby with gold.

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