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It was a week later, and Ana was still reeling from the news Eddie and her brother had given her

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It was a week later, and Ana was still reeling from the news Eddie and her brother had given her. She decided she needed a distraction- to enjoy her last two months of freedom before her mother sucked the life out of her and Regulus.

She would let him and Eddie stress and theorize about how Theolonius knew about the plan at all. She knew, at the very least, that it would calm Regulus and distract him from the slew of crucios he was to receive.

A few hours after dinner, Remus received a small scrap of paper via his owl in the window.

Meet me in the library -Annie

He smiled at the paper. It didn't specify a time, so he assumed she meant right now.

"What're you smiling for?" Sirius asked, bringing him out of his head.

"Nothing!" Remus replied a little too quickly.

Sirius stood from his bed. "Let me see, Moony!" He was grinning, a mischievous look painting his haughty features.

"It's nothing, really!" Remus attempted to defend himself. He gave James and Peter a helpless look, but they just looked on, entertained by the boys' argument.

Sirius came at him, trying to grab the slip of paper, so Remus stood on his bed and held the paper above his head.

"You lanky asshole!" Sirius yelled through a smile. "Why're you so defensive about it? Does our little Moony have a secret rendezvous?"

The blush that covered his cheeks and ears gave him away. "Is it that girl you were telling me about last year?" Sirius jumped up and down in excitement.

"What girl?" James called from his bed. He sat up, closing the textbook he had been studying from.

"Remus here wouldn't tell me her name or anything about her, I just know she exists."

James' eyes widened in realization. "Is it-"

"Shut up James!" Remus interrupted. He glared across the room at his best friend, who was trying not to break into laughter.

"Who is it?" Sirius and Peter asked in unison.

"She's a pretty one, Remus! Good for you." James snorted before laughing into his mattress.

Remus' blush reddened. "We aren't like, going out or anything. I just like her but she has no idea."

"Soooo you should tell us who it is so we can help you get the girl!"

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