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Anastasia and Regulus turned around

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Anastasia and Regulus turned around. Sirius and Potter were behind them, the latter looking a little more than angry at the loss. They were both still in their quidditch uniforms, and smelled like sweat and mud. Lupin and Pettigrew, who usually joined the boys on their galavanting, were nowhere to be found.

"You're talking about our dear Mother, aren't you?" Sirius had a small grin on his face.

Sirius and Regulus often got mistaken for each other. They both had the haughty, sharp bone structure the Black family was known for, and the grey-blue eyes. But Sirius' hair was longer; he had started growing it out last year. He was also taller and not as skinny as Regulus.

Neither of the twins answered Sirius. He sighed and clamped a hand onto James' shoulder, who ran a hand through his dirty hair. "Tough crowd, eh?"

"Go shower, Prongs. I'll be right there. Take my broom, will you?" James cast a slight glare onto Regulus before stomping back up into the castle, both his and Sirius' brooms dragging behind him.

"Don't mind him, he's just mad we lost." Sirius butted his way in between the two. "So, let's talk." Ana scrunched her nose at the smell of sweat.

"About what?" she asked as innocently as she could. She gave Regulus a look out of the corner of her eye. He, with his excellent poker face, was looking at Sirius blankly.

"Don't play dumb. Reggie's little maneuver with Aachens there. Quite good flying; I think even hooch was impressed." Once again, his younger siblings were quiet, so he laughed and added, "I refrained from aiming the bludger at you for the rest of the game as a bit of a thanks."

Regulus looked around to see if anyone was listening in on the three of them. He said in a low voice, "I swear to merlin, Sirius, if you even think of telling Mother-"

Sirius snorted. "You think I would tell her? Me, out of all the people at this bloody school? Have you forgotten who your dear cousins are?"

"Knowing you, you would just blurt it out to get on her nerves," Regulus muttered back. "And I don't need you dragging me into your nonsense arguments broth her."

"Nonsense?! I'm challenging our family's bigoted views. I don't understand why you call that nonsense!" Sirius' nostrils flared in a way quite like their mother's when she was angry.

"It's nonsense when you bring up my name or Ana's and then mother comes for us!" Regulus finally raised his voice, but it was radio silence compared to Sirius'.

"What do you mean 'comes for us?' You two have it easy. You agree with everything they say just because it's the easy way out!" Sirius' jaw was set, and his eyes turned dark.

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