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   San's pov

    Silence permeated the room. I glanced to Yeosang and Wooyoung's anxious faces then back to the interviewer.

   "That's wonderful! Are you three happy together?" The interviewer asked. We three let out breaths we didn't know we were holding and nodded.

   "We're very happy together," Yeosang smiled. I glanced to the crowd as I heard a scream.

   "Yeosang, don't ruin Woosan and their child!" A male voice shouted. Wooyoung and I glared at the crowd and held his hands.

    "Yeosang can't and won't ruin what we have! If anything, he makes it even better!" Wooyoung exclaimed. His face was dark red with anger as he looked the man over.

   "Yeosang is our boyfriend, and we love him! If you can't see that we clearly love him, get your eyes checked," I sassed. The male sat back down and crossed his arms over his chest.

   "I'm sorry about him- I don't quite know why he would come if he doesn't like romance," the interviewer shook their head. I sighed and calmed Wooyoung and Yeosang down before continuing with the interview.

   "We've been dating for a few days now and wanted to let our fans know what is happening among us," Yeosang claimed.

We soon finished the interview and left to meet up with the rest of our group.

   "You did good, you three." Our manager stood up from his chair and looked at us. We all held hands and smiled widely seeing the happy faces of our group mates.

"Thanks," I smiled still and separated our hands to go hold Sunny.

   "Hi my girl," I cooed, softly kissing her forehead. Yeosang shyly came closer.

   "If we are dating, does that make me one of her dads?" Yeosang asked. I looked at Wooyoung, who nodded his head.

  "Absolutely!" I smiled seeing Yeosang's face light up with happiness.

   "Can I hold her?" He asked another question. I gently passed Sunny to Yeosang. Yeosang held her with a lot of care.

   "Hi Sunny, I'm Yeosang," Yeosang smiled softly at her. She cooed and made baby sounds.

  "She's precious," Yeosang teared up. Wooyoung stepped closer to Yeosang and placed his right hand on Yeosang's shoulder.

   "She is," he confirmed. Wooyoung kissed Yeosang's cheek before kissing Sunny's.

  "I love her," Yeosang claimed happily. Wooyoung and I smiled widely.

   "I love you," Wooyoung and I said at the same time to Yeosang. Yeosang blushed and said the same to us.

   "I love you," Yeosang kissed our cheeks sweetly.

   "Alright, enough PDA. We have a show to put on," our manager smiled at us. We nodded and followed him.

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