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Wooyoung's pov

"Jung Sunmi?" The doctor asked as he entered the waiting room. I smiled and made Sunny wave her small hand at him.

"That's her!" I smile, "She's ill."

"Well, let me check her out and I'll have you, gentlemen, on your way out." He smiled and first checks her file.

"101.3... she has a fever. Has she thrown up anything?" The doctor asked. I shook my head.

"We haven't fed her yet today to know. We felt her forehead and rushed here immediately." San yawned. I smiled apologetically at my boyfriend.

"Okay, has she had a runny nose-" The doctor asked just before Sunny threw up what little was in her stomach from when she went to bed. I groaned as my pants were soaked.

"Doc, she's thrown up on me..." I grimaced as San handed me some paper towel. I wiped Sunny's mouth then wiped my legs and her chest.

"It seems she has. She seems to have the flu, so I will prescribe her some antibiotics and some nausea medicine- totally safe for babies." The doctor wrote on a pad of paper and handed it to us.

"Thank you, sir." I smiled shakily. San laughed at me and held Sunny while I wiped myself clean. I groaned knowing I needed a shower now.

"Now I need another shower!" I exclaimed. San laughed still.

"Just you wait, karma sucks," I smirked as Sunny looked sick again. She soon threw up on him too. I laughed hard at the sight of San making sounds of disgust.

"Ew, ew, ew, get it off of me!" He whined. I laughed still and took Sunny from him as he cleaned himself.

"Let's get home so we can change quickly," I giggled still as I carried Sunny to the car. San laughed sarcastically at me and buckled himself in. I smiled and kissed his cheek sweetly once I shut my car door. I buckled myself in and drove us to the pharmacy.

I handed the pharmacist the papers and waited for them to fill the prescriptions. I smiled in thanks and took the bag, walking back to the car where San an Sunny were.

"Let's go home, my babies," I smiled as I turned the car on again. San kissed my cheek sweetly, causing me to smile widely as I drove home.

"We're back!" I exclaimed as I opened the front door.

"Is she ill?" Hongjoong asked immediately as he reached for her. I nodded and he retracted his hands.

"She threw up on both of us, so can someone watch her while we shower?" I asked. Hongjoong sighed and nodded.

"Hand me our princess," He sighed. I smiled widely and hugged him before San handed her to him.

"Thank you Joongie!" I smiled and pulled San into the bathroom in our bedroom.

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