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Wooyoung's pov

"Hello, my name is Iris, I'm a babysitter. I'm eighteen, and I'm excited to begin work!" Iris introduced herself to us all. I smiled at her and let Sunny wave at her.

"This is Sunny, she's the baby you will watch. So help me god if a single-" San covered my mouth before I could start yelling curses.

"What Woo means is, protect our daughter well, or else you're fired. Got it?" San asked. Iris nodded and reached for Sunny, who happily reached her small arms towards the female. Iris smiled softly and held Sunny. I pulled San's hand away from my mouth with a glare.

"See what happens tonight, baby. You shouldn't have done that!" I growled playfully. San gulped and looked at Iris fearfully.

"I'm gonna go sleep with Hongjoong and Seonghwa for the night-"

"No you won't," I smirked and kissed his cheek. San gasped and looked at Iris again.

"If you tell someone, you're fired!" San bellowed. The female nodded her head and continued playing with Sunny. I smiled at the pair as Sunny yawned.

"Your work will actually start once we go on tour. You will be required to go with us and babysit her while we are on stage or practicing or doing idol tasks. You will have the nights off, because the members and I would like to bond with our sunshine." I spoke kindly. Iris looked shocked but nodded.

"I don't have anything keeping me here, so I should be able to come with you guys. What's my pay per hour and do I have to pay for my own travel expenses?" Iris asked intelligently.

"Your pay is 10 dollars an hour, and the company will pay for your flights and meals. On days San and I do not work, you will have free time to go off and explore wherever we are, but you'll have a curfew just so we can make sure you're not lost." I explained further for her. She nodded her head again, accepting the payment.

"When is your next tour?" Iris questioned as she bounced Sunny gently on her knee. I smiled at the cute scene before shaking myself out of my thoughts.

"We go on our first tour in two weeks. I'll give you a call in a week and five days so you can pack, alright? What's your number?" I asked, unlocking my phone and passing it to her. San glared at me, making me roll my eyes.

"You'll get her number too, don't worry so much, baby." I took back my phone and grabbed San's from his back pocket. San smiled proudly as I copied her number and contact name into his contact list.

"Thank you," San smiled still and accepted his phone back. I kissed his cheek and hugged him around his waist.

"I love you, okay? You have nothing to worry about, baby," I comforted San until he stopped pouting. San soon smiled widely again and kissed my lips sweetly.

"I love you, too," San spoke once we pulled apart. I gently took Sunny from Iris's arms and kissed Sunny's cheek.

"We love you, too, princess," I smiled and kissed her cheek before San kissed her forehead.

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