That was too far.

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(Ash p.o.v)

We walked down into the bowling alley to see Joosep was holding the ceiling fan and I held a shocked look.
"He broke the fan?!" I questioned as Teddy put his digging robot on the counter.
"So, now that mystery's been solved, let us open your gift." Joosep told as he tapped the wrapped gift.
'Oh my, she still hasn't found a gift for him.... is that couch cushion covered in gift wrapping?'
"Hey, look!" She told as she grabbed the bowl full of nuts and threw it into the bin before showing the empty bowl. "We're out of nuts!"
"That's nuts Mum." I told making Emil chuckle.
"Cant have Christmas without nuts." She told before she rushed to the kitchen.
Before anyone else could say any more Teddy was finished setting his robot up and spoke.
"All right, so, what did you want to show us?" He asked as he moved to the front of the counter and Emil quickly moved behind it.
"Well, I know you are a big fan of the Festival of Lights, but I think you will forget all about that, once you see Emils Festival of Delights." He told as he pulled a big ball of tangled lights and placed on top. "I found these in a box labeled 'naughty' stuff."
"Oh no." I quietly told as he pulled the box up to show it said knotty stuff. "Emil never change."
"I do not plan on that. Magnus provides!" He exclaimed
"Magnus provides!" Me, Joosep and Tanner exclaimed after him.
"Now, everybody gather round and prepare to be dazzled." Emil told as he went to plug the lights in.
"Prepare to be dazzled!" Tanner exclaimed
"Oh no, no, no. We only do that on 'Magnus provides'." Joosep told
'They make good friends.... so strange yet fitting.'
Once Teddy saw what Emil was about to do he began to shout only for it to be too late. Everything began to flicker before we fell into darkness.
"No, no, no!" Teddy exclaimed as our eyes adjusted to having no lights.
"Oh, dear. The powers gone out." Joosep stated
"Emil...." I quickly spoke making him quickly join my side and wrapped his arms around me.
"It's ok. I'm here." He told in my ear making me smile as I nodded my head so he knew I understood.
"I don't like the dark. I don't like the dark!" Joosep told as he began to rush to the kitchen when he let out a scream and we all saw Braughners face.
"Things are about to get crazy, muscles." She told
"Shouldn't calling him moustache fit better?" I asked only for to ignore me.
Tanner, Sydney, Joosep and my mother since she was worried Joosep would jump onto them if he got scared, went upstairs to get the flashlights as Teddy spoke.
"It's no use. The power's out, and you totally fried Doug the dig bot. Now I'll never make it to the Festival of Lights." Teddy told as they walked over and he sat on the couch.
"I am sorry, Teddy. But, do not worry. The wish that I screamed very loudly into a towel  was for you to have a fantastically great Christmas. Magnus will make this right." Emil told
"Dude, enough with the Magnus."
"Teddy, he is being nice and trying to help." I stated hoping he got the clue.
"But Magnus always provides." Emil told with a smile
"Magnus provides!" Joosep and Tanner exclaimed from upstairs as I did it next to him.
"Although he usually does grant his wishes by now, but that is no reason to lose our faith in Magnus." Emil explained.
"I'm sure he's just making his way here now." I added
"Yes but of course! This is probably the first time he has to come to Peoria to deliver two wishes!"
"Magnus isn't real!" Teddy exclaimed as he stood up from the couch. "It's clearly something Buronian parents made up for their gullible kids to believe in."
"Teddy...." I told as he walked towards the counter.
"Oh, yeah? Then where do the chocolate poops come from?" Emil asked as he crossed his arms
"They're chocolate kisses." He told making Emils mood drop as his arms fell to his side.
"But that would mean my wishes...." he began as Teddy continued.
"Are never coming true. Nobody's wishes are coming true!"
"Teddy how could you!" I exclaimed before Emil ran upstairs. "Emil wait!"
"Someone had to tell him." He told making me turn around and glared at him.
"No Teddy. Your just being a sour puss. I can't believe you would do that." I told before rushing to join Emils side.
'I can't believe he did this to Emil.'

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