Getting to know Tim

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Once the drinks had arrived and they all took the ones that belonged to them, she waited for the drone to leave before she turned to Tim. "So Tim. You said this was your first assignment?"

He looked back at her, and took a sip of his water before he nodded. "Yes, ma'am." He said. He was still being formal. He was sticking to his training, and addressing her as if she were a higher rank than him.

She nodded and turned to The Curator. "Curator, do you think it would be possible if I were to, say, impress the Elders with this next mission that they will allow me to pick who will be my guard?" She asked, getting straight to the point.

He seemed to have to think about it for a moment. He looked between Annabeth and then Tim. "It is difficult to say, Annabeth. I have no bearing on the assignment of guards. You seem to have garnered the trust of Elder Rich, but it is really Elder Engrid that you would need to impress. She more or less handles the security of the Council and this station."

Tim sat there in silence, just observing and listening to them. He was ready to answer any questions they had of him.

He took another sip of his water, and looked about down the walkways, making sure that no one was coming to eavesdrop on them. Annabeth looked back at Tim. "Tim?"

He snapped back to attention and faced her. "Y-yes, ma'am?" he responded and sat straighter.

She smiled kindly. "Tell us a bit about yourself?"

"What would you like to know, miss Annabeth?" He replied as he set his water down.

"Tell us about the academy, or where you were taught before you got your position as a guard on todays detail." She took a sip of her green tea. It was nice and cold, and had just hte right amount of sweetness.

He nodded, and looked at the two of them before he began to reply. "Alright. So the academy is outside of the space station. on one of the nearby planets, where gravity is three times what it is here." She filed this information away for later. These facts alone would help her to see what she would be up against if it ever came down to her needing to run from this place. She would need to be prepared for whatever she would encounter.

She didn't say anything as she sipped her tea and let him continue to explain. "We train half the day for peak physical form. We have classes to make sure we understand what each of our positions are supposed to do, how we are supposed to act, a general military style infrastructure."

"Military style?" She asked as she stirred her tea with her straw.

"Yes, military style. We live in barracks with our platoon. We have squad commanders, and lieutenants, just like a police force. It is mandatory training for those who wish to be security in the space stations. Two years in the academy, and then if you pass all of the physical and aptitude tests, you are given a series of small guard assignments before you are either advanced to the next level of training or have the option to choose your assignment."

The Curator looked at Tim. "Standard Military procedure for all recruits is usually three months. Why does it take you two years?"

Annabeth deemed this to be a good question, and eagerly awaited his answer.

He smiled a little. "I chose the specialized training to be an official guard to ambassadors. I chose inter-planetary relations, I have gone through four different language courses to understand a multitude of cultures, as well as cultural emersion courses, where I have been taken to several planets and cultures in various systems where I have been made to live among the people. To study the culture, and to understand how they operate to better assist in my future assignments."

Annabeth raised an eyebrow. Cultural emersion. different languages. He must be a fast learner. Languages would be something she wouldn't have an issue with at all. her software could just translate everything for her. But understanding the culture, and being able to meet people and blend in. that would be invaluable in times of needing to hide. She was liking this guard more and more as a potential to be a personal guard to herself.

She finished her green tear, and set the drink down on the table, which registered that the glass was empty, and prompted her if she would like a refill, which she clicked yes, she would like to get a refill of her drink. and a timer with three minutes began to count down.

"So, Tim. You have multiple languages under your belt already, and you have been able to blend in with the locals on several planets in different cultures, is that right?" She asked as she leaned back and crossed one leg over the other.

Tim nodded, and looked back at Annabeth. "Yes, Miss Annabeth. That is correct."

She nodded and set her foot to bouncing slightly on her leg. "Do you have plans to continued your educations? How many more languages do you wish to master? How many more cultures?" She asked, genuinely interested in his answer.

Tim thought about it for a moment. "Well, ma'am, to master all of the languages I hope to, it would take me another three years of full study. Then add in the Emersion courses. Some are said to take less time than others, but another two years at least in emersion." He stated, and finished the rest of his water, but declined a refill when Tara asked him.

The Curator finished his Long Island Iced tea and grabbed Anna's drink from the drone when it arrived, and put the empty glasses onto its tray before it zoomed off back towards the kitchens. "It sounds like Tim wants to be an Ambassador's aid in earnest if he is willing to go through so much training and education. But why?" He asked as he looked at Tim.

Tim looked back at The Curator. "Well, Curator. My father was a diplomatic envoy that worked for the station for many years. it is my dream to follow in his footsteps."

"But surely if your father was a diplomat your schooling would not have to involve this particular course of training. Unless of course, he is no longer around?" The Curator asked inquisitively.

Tim hung his head. "My father died when I was twelve, and as such, we did not have his money or influence to rely on any more. We survived with paying for our housing and our food, but my education. For what I wanted to do. I would have to find my own way in which to make it a reality. I talked to a recruiter about the things I wanted to do. He assured me that it would be possible going down this path, and that it would all be paid for, as long as I put in the time to provide my services where they were needed before I was allowed to pursue it in earnest."

He took a moment to breathe and organize his composure. "I have finished half of my training, and it was asked of me to take up this guard duty position as a learning experience. I will be getting graded on my performance when we return to the barracks, and from there, I don't yet know what will happen. I hope they pass me to the next level of my training."

Annabeth sipped her tea and leaned forward on the table as she looked at Tim rather intently. "And If I were to ask that you be my personal guard?" She said rather bluntly, no more time for games. She had a feeling they needed to get going, and soon.

Tim looked back at Annabeth before he spoke. "I would probably accept, But the decision falls to my superiors. You would need to ask them."

"Fair enough. I am sure there are others in your unit and training battalion who are also named Tim. What is your rank and Serial number?"

"Private Tim Jameson, Rand 3 Special Cadet, Serial Number 554632." He saw The Curator inputting the data into his tablet.

"Done and... oh, an alert from Elder Rich. He says the meeting has ended and requests our presence. We should go." He pressed the button on the table and Tara's projection reappeared. "We will be leaving, Tara. The table is ready to be cleaned and sanitized."

Tara's projection bowed. "Thank you for visiting Mannings, and may you return in the future to enjoy our hospitality." Tara said, and a drone arrived soon after they stood and began their jorney back to the others.

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