Chapter 19

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Autumn Dorm <DORM 063>
[11th October 8:28]
Akashis P. O. V

Akashi rolled onto his side, grunting and groaning as his precious, innocent dream-filled sleep was interrupted by the loud bang of the door being barged open, the screeching of multiple people and the vigorous shaking of his body.

"I didn't do it..-" he huffed, rolling on his side to face the wall, turning away from the source of the screeching. Whatever they wanted, Akashi was too tired to deal with it. Though, their constant stupid noises and irritating shaking of Akashis small body kept him awake and alert. He had no choice but to give in and listen to the, he assumed, three friends of his.

"Raspberry, wake up!" Ruki yelled, "It's your birthday!"

Akashi paused before opening his eyes suddenly, his birthday? He bundled up his blankets and covers, tossing them to the side before almost falling out of his bed while trying to get up. His ankle nearly bent in the process, he didn't bat an eye.

"It's what now?" he asked, wanting Ruki to repeat himself.

"It's your birthday! We've got lots of surprises for you!" Ruki repeated, a small skip in step as he grabbed a small package, wrapped up neatly in black paper, tied delicately with a Ruby ribbon.

Akashi traced the box with his fingers, he admired it. It looked so precious he didn't wish to rip the gift open. But he couldn't resist the puppy dog eyes his friends aimed at him. So he decided he'd open the wrapping gently, taking extra care to not break or rip anything that was apart of the present.

He tugged at the bow and carefully unfolded the black wrapping, placing it on the end of the bed as a box was revealed. A box which was full of a selection of chocolates, multiple packets of mixed sweets and two medium-sized stuffed bunnies.

They remembered I wanted one?

Also, in the box, was a smooth, much smaller pouch laced and decorated in soft silks. Inside there were four silver chained necklaces, each with a different coloured stone or jewel, and a small heart-shaped tag with four names. Akashi, Quinn, Haruka and Ruki. They were friendship chains.

Akashi teared up.

"You guys..." His tears turned into lakes that made way down his sculpted cheeks, sobs rattled his body as he ran a shaking hand through his hair. His other hand covered his mouth and trembling lips. "Thank you!"

"Raspberry, love, We're your friends. We'd do anything for you," Ruki smiled as Quinn stepped up to talk,

"And just because Haruka made these with his very own hands, doesn't mean our friendship is limited to stones and chains,"

"Our bond is unbreakable. We won't let anyone hurt you now, we'll all look after each other," Haruka assured, sternly but at the same time gently. It was a tone of voice no one but Haruka could pull off. A hug followed the small speech, a tight secure hug that confirmed their question, their friendship was officially confirmed forever.

"Now let's go see everyone else!" Ruki cheered with a famous carefree grin that matched his ever so bubbly personality.




"Haru!" The leader and Haruka hugged each other with a stern pat on the back. "Hey, Akashi, Happy birthday love," Sousuke applied a small amount of lip balm to his dried lips while pulling Akashi into a hug that screamed 'congratulations'.

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