Chapter 39 [TW ⚠️]

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The fighting continued with Takeshi taking the lead, Landon following closely behind. Shouta had been ordered by his commander to attack. The game was on and Akashi dreaded it. Not simply because the person they were attempting to kill was his dad, but for the potential wounds and injuries they could rack up during the commotion. It was safe to say that not even he would escape without a gash in his flesh.

"Shit... Gosh dad I'm sorry," Akashi whined out, his strength leaving him at the moment he needed it the most. He stared at his dad who stood, arms limp and eyes lifeless. He just stood there, waiting for Akashi or someone to make a move. He couldn't do it, he couldn't kill his dad. It was his dad. The mud squelched behind him and a hand patted his shoulder reassuringly.

"Aka-Akashi, I know... He's your father and he's important to you- Bu-but your father's in pain now and the only way to fix it, is by putting him out of his Misery," Sousuke explained him, his voice almost gone, chest heaving and his body trembled.

Landon looked back as Solas walked to his friend's side, "We'll make it quick and painless, soon he won't have to be at the mercy of his enemy who intends to use his body to kill his son,"

"It's sad. But it's right," Solas finished, his lips tinned out and his eyes turned to his left side where a sound of something closing in swiftly was echoing in the dark atmosphere. He suddenly jumped back, avoiding a stray bullet that was shot his way, "Be careful,"

"Innocence, let's grant master his wish," Takeshis mouth curved into a subtle smile, a sad smile. The same hesitation Akashi felt was present In Takeshis actions, Even in Landons and Sousukes too. Sorrow swam around In Solas's Golden eyes. They all turned to their sides, Staring at Shouta with a newfound, sudden, determination. He wouldn't allow his father to suffer, and he wouldn't allow Sousuke to live in a struggle. The pair would die.

The five of them lined up and marched, carefully analysing their surroundings so they didn't get surprised by another stray bullet or backups who were hiding away, waiting to take them down. They'd go through the process thoroughly just like Landon had said, though when they tried to communicate the Gunfire and artillery were just too loud, deafening.

They were stood almost practically in front of Shouta, neither side made a move. The academy's side was too busy thinking about how to go about it, and Shouta was simply waiting for them to make a move so he could stop them and take them down. They glared at each other before Landon had had enough. He charged forward leaving no room for hesitation. Well, the fight had started.

While Solas and Landon engaged in battle, Akashi hung back with Sousuke, waiting for an opening where he could take Shouta and wrap him tightly with hells chains. But, maybe that wasn't the best idea. As the other three confident students took off, Akashi was wrestled to the ground in a swift swoop. He struggled and thrashed around in the grasp of whoever it was but it was all in vain.

"Akashi, you'll die today!" The woman's voice screeched, rage was mixed in her manipulative nice persona. She pinned Akashis arms to the ground, both of them twisted in the muddy water, sinking into the thick runny mud lake. "You should've never been born! This wouldn't have happened!"

"What the hell are you saying, Hag?!" Akashi demanded an explanation, was he being blamed for someone else's own selfish actions? His mother abandoned him and his father and she brought everything on herself, the students were distraught each and every day because she didn't think of anyone else. "You chose to have me! If you never said anything about dad this would've never happened, if you never sent me to RavenWood this would've never happened, if you didn't side with shepherd for whatever reason, this wouldn't have happened. Don't blame me!"

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