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A/N: I know you've all heard all of my excuses for not posting in a while so I'm not going to give you one, I'll just leave this here :)

The night Alex arrested him, Timothy made thousands. Two months earlier, she had caught him stealing evidence from one of her cases. She didn't arrest him on the spot because he could lead her to something bigger. She followed him for weeks, had his schedule memorized and his every move tracked. And one Friday in May, she put together her team and followed him to one of the biggest money laundering organizations in London. She waited until he handed over the envelope containing everything she had on them, she had wanted him to take it. And the moment Timothy got his money, she had her gun pointing at the back of his head.


"Hey, are you coming to bed?" Aaron gave me a kiss on the cheek before filling a glass with water from the kitchen sink.

"Uh, yeah, be there in a minute."

"Alright," he gave me a small smile before going into the bedroom.

I sighed, looking down at the paper in my hand. I had been thinking all day of the right words to say, and all I could do was hope it was good enough. I signed my name at the bottom of the paper and then sealed it in an envelope, putting it in a drawer in the kitchen.

And as soon as I closed it I knew I was scared, scared to fail. I sat down on the floor, hugging my legs tightly and taking deep breaths. I was leaving for Boston tomorrow and every little worry was taking control of my brain, cracking me at my weak-points, spreading panic and anger like a damn virus.

"Come on, Alex," I whispered to myself, "you've got this, you have to."

I rubbed my eyes and took one steady breath. The mission has begun. I will cope. I will shoot straight. That's the only option.

Aaron was already tucked into my bed when I finally walked into the bedroom. As soon as I made it under the covers he pulled me closer and hugged me tightly. I breathed him in deeply, he smelled like sandalwood and soap.

"Hey, there," I smiled.

"Hey, there," he let his thumb run across my cheek to my nose and then down to my lips, slowly pulling them apart.

He dipped his head down, his nose grazing mine and I could feel his breath on my lips before he kissed me. By soft lips and gentle caresses, he told my brain to shut up.

"Are you still having nightmares?" He whispered, still so very close.

I nodded, "there's just been too much happening lately, I haven't had time to do anything about it."

"When this case is over, I want you to," his thumb ran across my cheek as he spoke, "do something about, that is."

I took a second to slowly breathe in and out, I couldn't do anything but say yes to him.

"I'll help you," he reassured me, "I'll always be here."

"I know, I know."

"Then what is it?" His eyebrows furrowed like they did when he was listening, and I almost told him. Almost.

I shook my head and smiled, "nothing, I'd like that, for you to help."

He nodded, but I knew he wasn't convinced, but him not pressing the matter further was enough for now.

"Hey, Aaron?"


"Thank you," I said quietly.

"For what?"

ALEX | a. hotchner (sequel to BLAKE)Where stories live. Discover now