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A/n: Helloooo. I know, it's been.. some time. I've just haven't had any inspiration to write. So, question: what do you think should happen next in Alex's life? Because I know how this story is going to end and I know some details, I just don't know what to put in the middle.. If you have any ideas, any at all, please feel free to comment or write a message to me! Or if you want to talk about anything else, I could use some friends, too :)

I'm leaving a link below, please copy it and it will direct you to a page where you can help the BLM movement in any way that you can. Wether it is by signing petitions or donating money or educating yourself, YOU can make a difference. And remember: Change starts with you!



"Here's to putting another crazy son of a bitch in jail!" Morgan ended his toast.

"Hear, hear!" The rest of us cheered.

"So, Alex," Beth put down her drink and smiled at me. "Tell me about London, how was it to work so far from home?"

"It was great, actually," I said after taking a sip of my drink. "I think it was really good for me to get away from here for a while," I said, "no offense, guys," I smirked.

"None taken, I'm just glad you're back!" Garcia laughed and I smiled at her.

"So, you don't regret going?" Beth asked.


I looked at Aaron. I regretted not telling him I loved him more, when we were still together, I wish I had reminded him every chance that I got. I guess I forgot to remind him, because I just thought that I would have him forever.

He had one arm wrapped around Beth's waist and the other clinging to his scotch. He didn't look at me, in fact, he had started to look at the floor instead of looking at me every time I passed by him, and it hurt.

"No, no, not at all," I shook my head. "It helped me cope with certain things and move on, plus getting to know Emily was amazing," I smiled.

"Alex, the documentary is playing tomorrow," Spencer changed the subject. "You're still going with me, right?"

"Yeah, of course," I raised my glas at him in a sort of promise.

"Girls, dance with me, please!" Garcia said, more like a statement than a question. She took JJ and Ashley by the hands and pulled them out on the dance floor.

"Make sure she doesn't hurt herself," Aaron joked, nodding towards Garcia, making everyone chuckle.

"Yes, sir," I responded.

"Don't call me sir when we're not working," Aaron said in a lowered voice, he was looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Yes, ma'am," I said then, smirking before downing the rest of my drink and joining the girls on the dance floor.

I wasn't much of a dancer, but thankfully, neither were they. They pulled me into the little circle they had created and we danced to the beat of the music. It was fun at first, with the alcohol intoxicating my body, I felt light. Beth stayed by the table with the rest of the team. From what Garcia had told me, she almost always stayed by Aaron's side when they were together.

We danced, tightly pressed together with a bunch of strangers, and it was crazy hot. Not hot in, like, a sexy kind of way, but so warm I couldn't breathe. People were bumping into my back, and then my front, and then my side. The light feeling didn't feel so good anymore.

Too fast, too fast, too fast. My heart was beating too fast.

Too loud, too loud, too loud. The music was too loud.

ALEX | a. hotchner (sequel to BLAKE)Where stories live. Discover now