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"You completed your training under the supervision of Agent Emily Prentiss?" Strauss looked up from the file in her hand, my file. 

"That is correct, ma'am," I answered her.

"Well, the team would be lucky to have you, if it's still your intention to join the bureau," Strauss said as she put my file on her desk.

"Yes, that is still my intention, ma'am," I answered.

"It's good to have you back, Alex," she gave me a small smile, I gave her a short nod.  "London had a good influence on you," she motioned to my clothes with a satisfied look on her face. I looked down at my black jeans and white button up shirt, then back up at Strauss.

"Thank you, ma'am," I said.

"I want you to report to Agent Hotchner's office, you will discuss all the details with him," she said and I nodded before standing up and leaving her office. God, how I hated that woman, calling her ma'am almost killed me.

I walked the short distance between Strauss' and Aaron's office, it was weird being back but nothing had ever felt more like home. The rest of the team was in the briefing room, they had all greeted me at the entrance earlier that morning. Aaron wasn't with them.

*Four  years ago*

"I'm not saying that I don't love you!" I said, feeling the frustration in my whole body. "I'm saying that this is tough, okay, really fucking tough."

"It's tough on me too, Alex," Aaron said on the other side of the phone, on the other side of the world. "I haven't seen you in forever and it's killing me."

"Then come visit me," I sighed, "all the others do, every other month."

"I know, I'm sorry," he said. "I'll visit soon, I promise."

"It's just, I can't stand not seeing you," I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "Maybe we should just take a break."

It was silent for a while, I could hear him taking deep breaths on the other side of the line.

"No, Alex, that's not what I want at all," he finally said. "I want to be with you, more than anything, I love you so much."

"Maybe it's just bad timing," I whispered. "Maybe we can try again when we're not on different continents and when I'm not forced to wear a freaking foot anklet."

"Please, Alex, don't do this," his voice was so small, it broke my heart. "I'll get on a plane right now, just please.."

"No, Aaron, you shouldn't leave Jack," I said. "I'll just see you when I get back."

"No, Ale-"


I made it to his closed door and I knocked twice, and after hearing his approving words I stepped in.

His office was different from when I had first set foot in it six years ago. His bookshelves were no longer filled with classics, but replaced with books about law and various plaques. There was nothing personal about it anymore, only a single picture of him, Jack and Haley remained on his shelf.

Aaron was leaned over his desk, scribbling on a piece of paper when I cleared my throat. His head snapped up and he gave me a half hearted smile, which I returned.

"It's good to have you back, Alex," he said.

"It's good to be back."

"Everyone's waiting in the briefing room, we'll go over the new case together," he stood up and collected his papers. He stopped when I didn't move.

ALEX | a. hotchner (sequel to BLAKE)Where stories live. Discover now