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A/N: it's been a year?! I'm sorry guys..

Hotch hadn't been to the bureau in weeks, Penelope wore  black every day, JJ never smiled anymore, and Emily was sitting in a room with two men from Internal Affairs.

"Is this an interrogation?" She asked.

"This is standard procedure," one of the men answered, his hands intertwined on the table, "we simply want you to tell us what happened."

"I think it's pretty damn clear what happened."

"I would advise you to cooperate, Agent Prentiss. What happened after Agent Blake's phone call with Doctor Reid?"

Emily between the two men, letting out a deep breath.


"Alex," Emily said, "the team lands in thirty minutes but we have an entire police force at our disposal, you can't go alone."

Alex shook her head, "he's prepared, Emily, he wanted Spencer to contact us and so we have to assume he's holding him at gunpoint the entire time. I ruined his life, he has nothing to lose, if we storm in there and he panics.. we can't risk him killing Spencer."

"It doesn't have to be you."

"Doesn't it, though?" I took a deep breath and pulled my lips into a thin line.

"I'll do it," Emily offered.

"No, you haven't pissed him off the way I have.. it has to be me."

Emily stared at me for a moment, the wheels in her head spinning.

"Okay," she said finally.

I smiled weakly, "you know you don't have to worry about me."

"It doesn't change the fact that I do."


"So you decided to send a federal agent with no backup into what, clearly, was a trap?" One man from Internal Affairs asked accusingly.

"No," Emily defended, "I was right outside with SWAT and the team was five minutes away."

"But five minutes can change everything, can't it?"


Alex was determined as she stood outside the entrance of the abandoned building, her breath visible in the cold night air. She looked around, checking her surroundings for any sign of movement. There wasn't any.

"I'm going in," Alex whispered into her coms.

"Copy." Emily's voice carried in her right ear.

With a deep breath, Alex pushed open the creaky door and stepped inside. The interior was dark and foreboding, with shadows dancing across the walls. As Alex moved cautiously through the building, her senses on high alert, she heard a muffled cry for help echoing from  deeper within. She quickend her pace, gun gripped tightly in her hands.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, blocking Alex's path. It was Timothy, a menacing glint in his eyes.

"Well, well, well... Look who decided to show up after all," he grinned.

Alex's heart raced, but she refused to show him any fear, her resolve unwavering.

"Where is he?" She asked calmly.

Timothy chuckled darkly, brandishing a knife in his hand.

"Why don't you come and find out?"

Without hesitation, Alex lunged forward, engaging in a fierce struggle with the man. She dodged his knife strikes, delivering blows in return. But Timothy proved to be a fierce opponent, his strength overwhelming. With a swift motion, he disarmed her and pinned her against the wall, the knife dangerously close to her throat.

ALEX | a. hotchner (sequel to BLAKE)Where stories live. Discover now