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I know you're probably pretty mad at me, most of you, understandably, wanted a happy ending, but this was always the way it was supposed to go. It had to end this way, it just had to. I think Alex would be pretty happy with the outcome as well, and I'm not saying that to, in any way, glorify death or to say that death is the only way out of a mental illness, because it's NOT. I just think that this is the way Alex would want to go; saving the people that she loves, and redeeming herself for the people that she couldn't.

Anyways, thank you for sticking with me through this whole process! I was fifteen years old when I published the first chapter of BLAKE and it has taken six years to get to the end of the road. Sorry about that. I cannot express how grateful I am for all the support, all the votes and comments, it really means the world to me.

Of course I could never leave Aaron Hotchner and I'm working on a new story as we speak! In the meantime, if there are any Harry Potter fans out there, I suggest checking out my Severus Snape story (that will also, probably, take six years to finish).

I love you and thank you,


ALEX | a. hotchner (sequel to BLAKE)Where stories live. Discover now